Tuesday, June 30, 2009 // 11:44 PM
yeah, blog gagas media
[link] milih puisi gw buat
poem of the week-nya! yeaah i'm so stoked and proud of myself hehe. puisi gw selama ini ga pernah di publish dimana pun, biasanya cuman end up di blog ini doang, so ini achievement gw yg bakal gw banggain :)
recognition's always something to be proud of, sooo i'm not gonna wipe this big grin off my face.
anyways, itu aja for todaaayy. jumat gw ke bali woo hoo! can't wait to get my feet submerged int he sands!
have a nice summer pipol!
Labels: Totally Random
Sunday, June 28, 2009 // 11:57 PM
ok straight to the point. i just finished watching
he's just not that into you. have to be honest, the plot gets a bit complicated and rather slow, but it did have a very enlightening message.
oh before i get into that, the opening of the movie was marvelous too. *a little spoiler here, beware!* i mean, when you were little, grown ups tell us girls that boys are mean to girls because they like them, right? now THAT is bullshit. i mean, come on. if the guy's a jerk, he's a jerk. it's like us girls are expected to put up with jerks because it means they like is. i mean, he doesn't, hence the jerk behaviour.
but the one thing i like most about that movie was their definition of happy ending. well not exactly definition, but whatever, you should watch it to understand. so anyways, point is, happy endings aren't just one. happy endings are a lot of things. happy endings doesn't always have to be meeting the one and living happily ever after. i mean, hell you don't have to be together with someone to have a happy ending. sometimes you can have it on your own. moving on is a happy ending; it's a relief from burdens, how is it not happy?
soooo yeaah. okay so i really don't know how to close this post :p
but anyways, watch the movie! :D
Friday, June 26, 2009 // 5:44 PM
i had this crazy thought... that love is an oxymoron. i mean it doesn't even need to have another pair of word to make it an oxymoron. the word itself reflects an oxymoron. i mean, think about it. love is the one thing you need in life, what the makes the world go round and what makes life worth living.
but at the same time, looking at it from a different angle... love seems to be the reason that things break up like they do. it has this great power to shatter you into pieces and bring you from the highest ground to the lowest in a milisecond.
you see what i mean?
Labels: Thoughtful Thoughts, Totally Random
Monday, June 22, 2009 // 7:48 PM
here's a list of how you feel when you're campsick, specifically after this year's proto:
1. you wake up and have the urge to get outside, cross your right arm above your left, sing the cisv song and have flag time.
2. you feel like being thrown to the sky during kiitos after every meal.
3. you feel like dancing to the cha cha slide.
4. you make up robotic dance moves to the beat of the metronome. (I LOVE YOU METRONOMEZ!)
5. you reminisce the times when you dance to nsync's bye bye bye and it was phenomenal.
6. you miss having a lot of people around you and feel horribly alone having dvd marathon in your room.
7. you don't feel like sleeping at 2am because at that time, you're still up eating indomie and the gossip session has just started.
8. you have the sudden urge to get up, jump and do the pony song, purple soup, or little sally walker.
9. you can't sleep before you listen (or sing along) to the songs you usually sing during lullaby.
10. you smile to yourself because of some little thing that reminds you of camp, and no one knows why you're smiling and laughing.
i miss my prototype campers. both the staffs and campers. we worked real hard to achieve what we wanted. there were obstacles along the way, short fuses blown and some tears shed, but it was all worth the while.
i hate the fact that for some of my friends, it would be their last cisv camp. it was hardly mentioned, during camp but i still can't shake off that fact. i hate to think of how different camps would be without them around. i'd hate for them to leave, they've all been such dear friends to me and other CISVers as well :(
i hate saying goodbyes. sometimes i want to press the 'slow down' button so i could linger here in the times when no goodbyes are necessary yet. i really do hate goodbyes. especially this one :'''(
these lovely people have not gone yet so this summer i'm gonna make the best of my time with them. i'm not in to waste a single minute without them ;)
i'd miss you all. you know who you are. it's gonna be hard to let go, but you'd do great out there, i know it :)
BUT, it's not time to mope around yet, let's kick ass this summer and have funnnnn!!
have a crazy summer, everyoneeee!!
Labels: CISV
Saturday, June 20, 2009 // 9:06 PM
as always, cisv camps are indescribable. just got back from proto this afternoon and i'm highly exhausted. despite the fact that there were some things that i thought wasn't supposed to happen happened i still think it was awesome. some things during the camp nearly made me blew up a short fuse, and that, i must say never happened before. during that time the "thing" surpasses all the awesomeness i felt throughout the day.
but now i'm just gonna let it slide. it's shit, i know. but shit happens to everyone, and i find it better to not dwell over it.
so anyways prototype camp was awesomeness. the kids were awesome. our activities were awesome as well. we had so much fun, learned so many things. i think that's what matters most.
as like any other camps, i'm definitely missing it so much.
i miss the post-evaluation late night talks until 2am
i miss the instant noodle + manohara gossip session :p
i miss playing with the jimbe haha
i miss kiitos and pony song
i miss my alays and metronomez
i miss my fellow "baru masuk kayu danau" dancerss hahahah we totally rocked the talent night!
i miss dancing to the cha cha slide
awhh. i miss it all :(
and it also dawned on me that this is practically the last camp for some of my friends who are leaving abroad. i really can't imagine cisv without them actually. not sure if it'd be as much fun. i've known them for the past four years since i'm first introduced to cisv and they brought the fun and energy to our activities. i'd hate for them not to be there with me and the others :(
there's so much to say about this year's camp. but the words won't pour out. so i guess i'll stop right here.
i'm soooooo freakin tired and i have a sexy phelgmy voice haha. so i guess i better drink one of those cough meds and hit the sack. :)
Labels: CISV
Thursday, June 11, 2009 // 1:16 AM
Let the sun know you're always watching.
Labels: Totally Random
Sunday, June 07, 2009 // 10:08 PM
too tired to fill in details. will just put up funny quotes and lists of why it was so much fun (and tiring):
1. naek kereta ke bogor. hayooo, ga pernah kaaan? iya gw jg, baru kemaren pertama kali ehehe.
2. men-charter angkot dari stasiun bogor ke tapos. hayoooo, ga pernah juga kaaan? iya sama gw jg ga pernah yg namanya nge-charter angkot. baru tau kemaren klo itu kendaraan bisa di charter. canggih jg haha.
3. nawar biaya charter-an angkot ditengah kekalutan stasiun bogor. ga pernah jg kaaan? hahaha.
4. naek angkot diisi dengan manusia2 berjumlah 13 yg kalo ngomong volumenya ga bisa dikecilin dikit dengan topik obrolan yang ga mutu pula. i.e. gempar gempor kasus manohara, paris hilton and the likes.
5. selama hampir dua jam menahan kentut di angkot, ternyata kita salah jalan dan ujung2nya masih berada di tengah2 kota bogor.
6. Di dalam angkot yg sumpek ga karuan, dengan perut lapar dan nyasar 'dikit' selama berjam-jam
rene: (baca papan nama toko) toko jam jakarta... ngarang banget sih lo.
all: *roflmao*
7. Masih di dalam angkot. Membicarakan kasus manohara.
stevi: iya bla bla bla ... datuk kadar syah
tidak lama kemudian
all: *lmao*
8. selama di dalam angkot nan aduhai itu, dengan perut yg keroncongan dan di kocok2 (akibat turbulance dalam angkot) ke-13 manusia di dalamnya sampai2 nyium bau knalpot bus pun dikira bau ayam KFC.
9. diteriakin "BERISIK!!!" dari pengendara sekitar. sumpah yang ini gw ga pernah ngalamin. hahaha. ini berarti keberisikan kita udh ngalahin klakson2 mobil dan angkutan lain yg jg terjebak kemacetan. haha gara2 kita jadi tambah senewen kali ye??
10. merasa betapa indahnya udara segar dan bulan di langit setelah berjam-jam perjalanan dengan angkot tercinta tsb.
11. the blessings in disguise dari perjalanan yang teragak laknat ini seperti:
11.1. ternyata mobil livina, yg udah bagus masih aja sering gw komplain gara2 sempit, itu jauh lebih baik dari angkot. lantas mengapa gw sering komplaaain?
11.2. walaupun kita terjebak ditengah2 kemacetan di kendaraan ajaib pula, apparently, gw lebih mengenal teman2 staff proto gw dengan lebih baik. (walaupun mungkin tentang hal2 yg tidak terlalu baik haha)
11.3. ternyata disaat-saat penderitaan, gw dan teman2 yg lain masih bisa ketawa jg.
12. ternyata banyak hal-hal yg gw anggap gampang dan sepele, menjadi hal yang teramat sangat susah dan gak berhasil gw lakukan.
13. mau nyalain api unggun pake lilin dua biji aja susah banget haha.
14. 'gaya anjing' dalam berenang itu kalau dipraktekin seperti anjing beneran adalah hal yang sangat SALAH. hahhahaha.
15. shampo and conditioner herbal essences perih banget di mata walopun wangi ehehe. thank you rena for letting us use finish your shampoo!
16. kata gabah yang disalahgunakan oleh seorang ardy winoto haha. contoh:
"gabah itu lhooo klo gw nanya, 'jalan yuk!' trus lo jawab, 'gabah!" (maksudnya GA AH!)
"gabah itu kalo misalnya si rena jatoh, 'gabah'!" (maksudnya gawat -.-")
note: itu baru dua dari sekian banyak penyalahgunaan kata gabah. kalo semakin gw terusin semakin ga jelas, ntar orang bakal bilang gabah beneran kalo si rena jatoh haha.
to conclude,
prototype camp 2009 would be as much fun if we put our whole heart and spirit into it. :)
i so can't wait!
Labels: CISV, Memories too beautiful too erase..., The Times We Spent on Weekends...
Saturday, June 06, 2009 // 9:39 AM
oh yeah first weekend in the summer. but, is it me, or this summer seems highly exhausting and overwhelming? i mean never have i gone to school during my summer holidays. whereas i'm supposed to seek a little 'restricted to friends and me only' time.
i still have to finish reporting my CAS evidences to ms. vivi and ms. alma.
and discuss how i'd go about with my EE with mr. joel.
and talk about what on earth is my econs IA article supposed to be about with ms. bernadette.
i have a bad feeling this summer would be really different than the last ones. i mean, we students get the privilege of having to start the holidays a week before the teachers do. but now i still have to come to school to seek meeting with teachers in order to get some of my IB prerequisites done and over with. though it's better than having to wake up at 6.30am to go to school, but i'd rather not go to school at all during the holidays.
oh, the torture.
and i'll have to go to CISV's prototype camp team building later this afternoon (i.e. train leaves in 5 hours). i'm trying to convince myself it'll be fun. but somehow my mood is rather feeble today. then again, i really want to do this, i mean i made a commitment so i'd have to stick with it. hmm, maybe it's just me. i'm pretty sure once i got there things'll turn out good.
(i really do hope so.)
well proto camp would be a big challenge this year, as i am camp-directing for the first time ever and was notified only, say, 2 days ago. meanwhile camp is 10 days away. i'm doing a lousy job :s
oh my god i really should stop whining!
there's no room for whines in the summer!
get yourself together, nandra!
*slaps face*
(i'm speaking figuratively of course, am not masochistic)
harr must stop randomly ranting about the shits in life, i.e. IB
the sun is shining today and not a hint of rainfall this morning (yet)
meanwhile i'm gonna check if i packed the right stuffs.
enjoy your summer, guys!
p.s: for my other ib-fucked friends out there, FORGET ABOUT IT! IT'S SUMMER, BABY WHOOOOO!!!
Labels: random rants
i'm insomniac, although i'm somehow exhausted. and i pass the time taking personality quizzes hahah. here are my results fyi:
"ENFPs are initiators of change, keenly perceptive of possibilities. They energize and stimulate others through their contagious enthusiasm. They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new-found interests. ENFPs are able to anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in situations that are fluid and changing, and that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations. They are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow-up or attention to detail."
source: wikipedia
Global Personality Test Results |
Stability (23%) low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Orderliness (43%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment. Extraversion (53%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
Take Free Global Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com
apparently i have the personality of a journalist, which convince me i'm making the right choice for my future carrer. and apparently i'm highly insecure, emotional, right-brained, paranoid and may have borderline personality.
wow i discover a lot about myself tonight. haha
Labels: Totally Random
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 // 11:02 PM

the priceless faces of the end of the school year :)
oh yeah. i could smell the sweet scent of summer. it's the best. last exam was today, it was math. i could surprisingly do it. hoping for better results than last term. AMIIIIN :)
after school went and have sushi with gino and agnes. and laughed our heads of with our putri indonesia inside jokes haha. ohhhh my, we have grande plans for this summer. already planned one for tomorrow! ohhh yeaaaahhh!! so stoked i could do all these things i've been wanting to do. hang out with friends fool around.
i still got some school stuffs i have to do. like CAS, EE and econs IA.
oh well i'll get by.
with a little help from my friends of course :)
sooooo much to do this summer.
there's proto staff's team building.
prototype camp.
then problly off to europe with the familyyyy!!
oooohhh yeaaaah!!
how i love summer :)
have a nice one, everyone!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 // 10:28 PM

this is what i do in my abundance spare time.
or in other words what i do when i procrastinate.
i'm screwed for maths tmrw :(
Labels: Totally Random
I’ve been lying awake all night, listening to sad songs and thinking about how you’re moving away soon, and I never even got to kiss you. I still want to tell you, but what’s the point?
— K"