yeah. it's last day of term three and i'm stoked stoked stoked. i knoooow, there's still much to do. start EE, CAS reflections, group 4 project (in BALI! HAH!) and start art researches for my next project.
but nevertheless, there's still a sense of relief. i mean, at least i won't have to go on these crazy routines everyday. classes, lectures, etc etc. i'd at least would have some time in bali to laze around under the sun and take pictures. and just be around my friends acting retarded. yeah so stoked for that haha.
anyways. since it's the last day of term three, (also friday the 13th, how ironic). i felt greatly awesome today. i finished things. like my artwork for once. yes, my cigarette smoker fiona is finally done (i.e. dead). i put up her shot up lungs already with cigarettes and all (which mr. boy told me to spray with perfume. and i haven't. uh oh. if anyone's coming to do art tmrw, please do spray some haha. fiona smells like crap :D ). so yeah. i could finally take that out of the way. stayed until five today and finished it. it's creepy working late at school, really. eeegh.
but anyways. right after that i went to pancious to have early dinner with gino, agnes and cavin. and we talked and ate and indulged on guilty pleasures hahaha. oh not mention being stupid. in front of public. which is all the more stupid. it's really nice, just eating out being high school kids. people were staring at us at times because we laughed to hard. not that we care much hahaha. we were just enjoying our time. i'd like to do that more. hanging out, being stupid, talking nonsense haha.
i realized today how much i love high school. despite the whole IB shits we're all going through, i love every minute of it. i mean, my only choice if i don't go through IB is going to college, take foundation classes. but one of the main reason why i stick with IB, although it's taking over our lives slowly, is because it's high school. and i want to graduate as a high school student. not as foundation studies/college student. there's just that thing about high school that'll always make you smile, and at times think that our ruthless endavour through whatever is worth it. i won't give it up for anything. even if it means less rigorous exams and prerequisites demanded by IB. there won't be any way any one could drag me out of high school.
it's too precious. :)
so well anyways guys, it's friday night. it's my movie marathon night. although there probably won't be any marathon today. gonna go to pulau putri tmrw for diving. oh yayyerz.
i'm nervous though :(
well wish me luck!
ciao bella.
Quote of the day a.k.a Wall of Shame
X (he'd kill me if i write his name): naik-naik bandung. lol
agnes, gino, me: roflmao
me: *hampir keselek gara2 gino ketawa kayak orang kebelet eek*
me: hahaha dia naik-naik bandung, kita halo-halo puncak gunung.
all: roflmao
ps: been a long time i've written the wall of shame. it's back. so beware people. hahahah.