Friday, January 18, 2008 // 11:25 PM
hello people! a little update won't hurt, no?
nggak bgitu banyak hal spesial akhir2 ini. monoton sperti biasa. tapi, semonoton2nya hari-hari gw, my friends will make the monotonous routines seemingly incredible. haha.
seperti biasa, sekolah, pergi bentar, pulang.
fine, enggak bentar sih. sampe malem soalnya. tadi ke dokter mata & kulit!
omg, min gw nambah! arh. gives my parents another reason to wear my glasses permanently. garh. ga suka! huhu. i want that levi's one! the maroon one! aaargh. haha.
apa lagi ya, yg bisa diceritain? hmmm...
duh, gatau knapa, akhir2 ini cerpen2 gw selalu putus di tengah jalan! kenapa ya? writer's block parah nih. udah hampir 2 bulan, cerpen gw ga slesai2. padahal tinggal dikiiiit lagi. tapi gatau apa yg mau ditulis. kalo pun udah ada di kepala, bingung nulisnya gmana. garh. anegh. ;p
but ideas are sprouting up tho. hehe. just wait and see people. i spose i nedd to update my writing portfolia thingy at garh, so lazy lately. i feel like curling in my bed and READ READ READ. i have quite lots of unread books lying around.
Jane Austen's Sense & Sensibility and
Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper. And yg blom juga selesai gue baca,
Jane Austen's Price & Prejudice sama
Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. the latter is the book we're doing for English this term. to my surprise, i'm enjoying it. ceritanya menarik banget. gw suka bgt sama buku yg ngebahas masalah dan isu2 sosial. coz come to think of it, kita nggak pernah terlepas dari masalah sosial, ya nggak? pasti ada aja masalah yg kita hadepin sama orang2 sekitar kita. ya ngga ya ngga? hehe. well, just a thought.
hmmm apa lagi yg bisa gw omongin? hehe.
tau ah udah malem. capek ngomong mulu. ;p
have a nice weekend, temans!
Labels: Monotonous yet Colourful Days, Thoughtful Thoughts