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his girl friday.


it's nandra. they also call her nashz, the history of such name is way too long to elaborate in this little space. she's seventeen. she's a she. she lives a typical metropolitan lifestyle in the capital of Indonesia. she's currently in her senior year of high school, enduring the second and last year of IB Diploma Programme that's totally ruining her life slowly. but she thinks the whole suffering would give her some sort of advantage in the (scarily) near future. she's a CISVer and lovin' every bit of it. oh, she also very much enjoys mango juice, she'd even prefer it than OJ haha. and while we're at it, yes, she might be random from time to time. she wishes you'd be quite patient about it. :)

ear-friendly songs
pop art
adobe photoshop cs3
Grey's Anatomy
McSteamy :)
John O'Callaghan :)
novels by J.K Rowling, Judy Blume, Melissa de la Cruz & Sitta Karina

scream and shout.


ms. karina's pagems. dessen's pagems. dessen's blogms. rowling's pagems. dee's pagebillbeckett's pageblogskinpramborsMTV EXITthinkMTVpostsecretperez hiltonteen readskambing jantanMr.A-Zoverwordhrrrthrrrcrushd.dave horvitzngupingjakarta

iTeddy :)
iTeddy the music-playing bear luuurves music. he listens to it all day long! :p

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

last but not least...
yet another dilemma of choices
missing feelings.
reasons why i want summer
Even though I'll never need her,Even though she's ...
pengen belajar animasipengen belajar fotografipeng...

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007 // 9:10 PM


Why is it that your sincere smile
Leads me the road of love, unrequited.
Why is it that your ambrosial scent
Captivates me, into the abyss of lust.
You may not notice
That these are more than passing glances
I'm just an inconsequential fragment
of your today
I wish you'd see through me
'cause beneath this exuberant smile,
lies a fragile heart in decadence.

by Nandra~
Jkt 25 Sept 2007


Thursday, September 20, 2007 // 9:11 PM
WAKAKAKAKA... getek apaan sih??

hari rabu kmaren gw hyper bgt. gatau knp. salah makan kali pas sahur. hyahaha. aduh. parah lah pokoknya.

kegilaan hari rabu yg paling gw inget adalah tentang *jeng jeng jeng*... getek.
iya getek. hahah.

jadi critanya. gw, gino n ericka lg di lift. mau study skill.
lalu gw blg, "er, kpn nih mau ke bali??"
ericka: hehehe
gino: skrg aja. gw telpon nih...
gw: iya kita ke bali naek getek aja...
ericka: HYAHAHAHHAHHA... *masih ktawa, ngos2an* getek apaan sih?"
gw & gino: *diem bentar* WAKAKAKKAKKAKAKAKAK
gino: gilaa hahahhaha, aduh, aneh banget hahahhahaa

gw udah hampir guling2 di dlm lift. kyk ivan aja. hehehe.

trus yella ma michi masuk... gw langsung nyamber...
gw: chi! lo tau getek ga??
michi: *kalem* enggak.
gw: HA? yel, lo tau getek ga??
yella: tau lah.
gw: HAHAHHA. masa ericka gatau getek..
michi: OH GUE TAU! getek itu grobak ya?

aduh. gw tau. ini ga jelas bgt. pokoknya nih, percakapan getek berlanjut sampe study skill.
gempor gw ktawa mulu.
but then agaaaaaiiinnn....

YAAAAYY!! clap clap!
ok. gtg. bye 'vryone!


Tuesday, September 18, 2007 // 9:55 PM
Calm Me Down...

aaah. i need a peace of mind. haha.
gue bisa gila lama2. man! business test tmrw!! aaaagh.
the agonizing pain of test!

gw bener2 pengen dapet nilai bagus buat business kali ini. secara reputasi gw di business studies hancur gara tis one teacher! ahahah. yeah i blame her. and i don't care, really! bleh!

trus IT pula! aduuuh! banyak maunya itu orang! aaahh. kesal kesal! mana USB gw entah dimana lagi. melanglang buana kali tuh! huhu. spertinya sih ktinggalan di ruang IT td. huh. terkutuk tu! hyahaha. baru jg gw beli 5 bln yg lalu! udah hilang.. aduuuh jgn ilang. *ngetok meja 3x*

soooo in the midst of assessments. i seek for therapy.
yes, therapy. and no, it's got nothing to do with shrinks. where would i find shrinks at 10 PM?? duh! get real dong, people *hasil terapinya udah memudar nih, mulai aneh gini. hahaha*

ehem, hem. mari kita lanjut... yeah!
jadiii, gw punya dua macam terapi ideal... yaituuu:
- musik
- nulis

yeah. gw ga bisa belajar dengan tenang tanpa ada musik mengalun dari itunes gw. oooohh. i heart technology. gmana lagi gw mau dengerin koleksi 600 lagu gw klo gukan di itunes?? haha..

anywaysss... music is very calming for the soul. well, it is for me... because to study in silence, it's just soo... eerie and... just not right. i hate silence. it kills. x)

as for writing... yaaaa... gmana ya. i feel that i can express my feelings and thoughts and what not through the twist of words. dan secara gw lagi ada cerpen in the making, yaaaa gw lanjutin lah, just to take a break from economic watevers. and since i love love love writing, i'm calmed down now...

well not exactly.
writer's block nih. huhu.

anyways. let me let you in on my little nostalgia. haha.
i've been writing since as long as i can remember. yea. believe it or not.
i love the whole make believe thing. i love to imagine. i'd put myself in one whole different position, on a completely different shoe, whose is it i don't care, just as long as it's not mine... then i'll determine my so-called fate and destiny on my own.
hahas. sweet memories.

i tried to actually write a complete story with conflicts and resolutions when i was in grade 4. what drove me... gw sndiri ga tau. yang jelas gw udah di depan komputer, ngetik, and voila! jadilah satu cerpen amatiran.
yah, mungkin bagi orang lain, itu cuman imajinasi anak 4 SD biasa, but for me it's a masterpiece. x)

sooo, klo ditanya nih, "lo udah pernah bikin cerpen berapa, nan?"
jawaban gw, "ga keitung."
tapi klo ditanya, "yg udh selesai brp?"
"tujuh setengah." (hehehe)
trus trus, nanya lagi nih, "ooohh. klo yg udah di terbitin?"
"hah, kok bisa?" *yang nanya bingung, lah wong baru selesai 7 koq...*
"iya, angan-angan gue doang! wakakkaka!!" *melengos pergi sambil tertawa cekakak cekikik*

hahahha. iya deeehh.
say wat u want, lah! ;p


been on a hiatus. i know. shucks. x(
so being a 10a student in binus, IT is practically a living hell!
i mean, what is it that she wants anyways?? arrh.

erh. enuf ramblings. it's fasting month. i shudn't be complaining and talking bout people behind their backs, no? ARRHH!! KARMA!

this is going nowhere!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 // 9:23 PM

Stuff are piling up. I hate it. Erh. Why oh why! So I'm really trying hard to do this Art Critcism thingy. But apparently it's killing me. So frickin' lazy to do it!

Anyways, I got tis new story project I'm currently working on. But it's on hiatus, for the assessment and all the shite I hav to finish. Soooo.. yea the idea just popped in my head in the midst of traffic jam in Kuningan. Don't ask. It happens almost all the time.

My conscious is telling me to do art!
Ciao! Bueno Notte! (ga ngerti bener ato salah. hehe)

Sunday, September 02, 2007 // 1:25 PM
Tale of two long lost friends... x)

hey! someting real funny happened today. i was just browsing around and doing my hw.
aarh. boring, i know.

but my boredom raced away as someone IMed me on MSN.
i wasn't in the mood. but in a matter of seconds i was.
cos it was JULIA, my long lost friend!!


i was so thrilled. oh, hail MSN!!
the convo dat almost shed me to tears... x( :

ViCtiM oF says (julia):
isnt it weird iam in aus and your in jkt?
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says (me):
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
somehow it is...
ViCtiM oF says:
and yet we are chatting to each other from different countries
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
i thought i would never ever talk to u again...
ViCtiM oF says:
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
but then here we are...
ViCtiM oF says:
me to
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
on msn...
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
o hail technology...
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
ViCtiM oF says:
well i mis you heaps and really want to c ya and give ya a hug
ViCtiM oF says:
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
yeaaaa.. me too...
ViCtiM oF says:
ViCtiM oF says:
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
i mean seriously, the last time i saw u was during caren's farewell party...
ViCtiM oF says:
ViCtiM oF says:
i havent seen caren etha
ViCtiM oF says:
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
and now care's in spore...
ViCtiM oF says:
time flys
ViCtiM oF says:
i know
*nandra ~ The worst part is knowing what would have been... says:
awh people are gone.. x(

it feels so good. to have kept contact with someone you know since the third grade. but then u leave each other. i remember the very day we were going to be apart. it was very excruciating to be seperated from something you've been attached to for a long time...

looking back, it was funny. julia and i talked bout who liked who. and the time when we liked someone and the whole frickin' world knows about it... haha.

well. i'm just so glad i kept contact with my friends. i hav an advice to all of u.
keep contact.
with ur elementary, middle school, high school even kindergarten frens. otherwise u'll live ur life in regret. haha.

gw pengen banget bisa kayak bokap gue. in his mid 40s, dia masih reunian sama temen TK nya... tapi skarang impossible buat gue.. cos gw gatau kemana temen2 tk gue. hehe.

so anak2 sd pskd mandiri... angkatan 2003/2004.. reunian yuuukk..!! i miss u all. x)

huhu. ok then. heaps of homeworks to do.. and i promise myself to end procrastination! yeaaa!!

p.s: i finishd eclipse!! aaawh, i hate the whole bella jacob thing! u guys suck!! xp
