Saturday, January 17, 2009 // 10:03 PM
i'm as ecstatic as a 3-year-old who just got her new toy. and indeed i did! i got my oktomat todaaaaay!! woot woot oh yeah wooooo!!
it as a bit coincidental btw. i went to pp for adhyt's bday. before that i went to aksara with the others for bit. i spotted an oktomat in the lomo display shelf thingy. and i just knew that was mine haha. yaiyalah gw dah pesen dr desember... i was kinda pissed at aksara for not contacting me or anything about the oktomat. i mean, i ordered it last month, if it's here they should've contacted me right away. what if i didnt come to aksara today?? someone could've took it. i mean, the person there doesnt even know if that oktomat is my order or not. argh.
oh well enough ramblings. i got it already and that's what matters haha. can't wait to see how it turns out. though i've done a mistake among all mistakes which is taking pictures indoors which supposedly would turn all dark and ugly. oops. :s
oh well. i'm so excited to finally get that. i've been wanting a lomo for a really long time. and i finally got it! yeaaaaayy!
hmmm what else to tell.
oh yeah adhyt's bday was fun. ate tons of sushi haha. thanks dhyt, happy seventeen forever :)
then we watched yes man! haha it was funny. a good way to spend the weekend after five days (read: torturous weekdays) filled with tasks and IAs and other shitz i'd rather not talk about haha.
well i guess i'm off now. getting tired haha
c yew!
have a nice weeked! :D