Friday, December 05, 2008 // 10:40 PM
yeah, holiday's here. i can daaaynce all night long! woot woot.
ok that was just me expressing the excitement haha.
so anyways, despite the excitement, i'm kinda dissapointed that jiffest only runs for 5 days this year. curse u economic crisis. there's just so many incredible movies screened yet so little time. i really wanted to watch
world's apart, but noooo! i can't coz i've made other plans prior to the fact that i know jiffest runs for only 5 days. it's suppose to be an incredibly awesome movie judging from the synopsis. aaaggghhh! :(
but well at least holiday's here. and so is my long lost friends! hahaha. can't wait to meet ya fel jul care!! and of course other ex-PSKD friends too! it's been too long since i've seen them :)
well seeing as i've got nothing important to say.
i'll go now.
enjoy the holidays people!!