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ear-friendly songs
pop art
adobe photoshop cs3
Grey's Anatomy
McSteamy :)
John O'Callaghan :)
novels by J.K Rowling, Judy Blume, Melissa de la Cruz & Sitta Karina
Answer the questions below, do a Google image search with your answer, take a
picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of
explanation.Tag 5 other people to do the same once you've finished answering every question.1. The age you'll be your next birthdaysweet sixteen :)
2. A place you'd like to travel to
i blame the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie for this :D
3. You're favourite place:
my room. however messy it is :)
4. You're favourite food.
do i really have to explain?
5. My favourite pet
this little guy right here. save them for extinction, would ya? :)
6. Your favourite colour combination
i dunno. just seems good.
7. Your favourite piece of clothing
skinny jeans are awesomeness. they make me look (somehow) taller too. HAHAH.
8. Your favourite all time song
when i need a good scream, this always helps.
9. Your all time favourite TV show
10. First name of your significant other/crush
what makes you think i'll tell you that?
11. The town in which you live
aku cinta j-a-k-a-r-t-a!
12. Your first job
dreamer :D
13. Your dream job
14. A bad habit you have
biting anything when i'm confused or nervous.
15. Your worst fear
i'm belonephobic :S
16. The one thing you'd like to do before you die
take pictures with this guy and poke around his funny hat. lmao.
17. The first thing you'll buy if you get $1000000
i wanna mini!
ps: i'll tag ppl later :P