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his girl friday.


it's nandra. they also call her nashz, the history of such name is way too long to elaborate in this little space. she's seventeen. she's a she. she lives a typical metropolitan lifestyle in the capital of Indonesia. she's currently in her senior year of high school, enduring the second and last year of IB Diploma Programme that's totally ruining her life slowly. but she thinks the whole suffering would give her some sort of advantage in the (scarily) near future. she's a CISVer and lovin' every bit of it. oh, she also very much enjoys mango juice, she'd even prefer it than OJ haha. and while we're at it, yes, she might be random from time to time. she wishes you'd be quite patient about it. :)

ear-friendly songs
pop art
adobe photoshop cs3
Grey's Anatomy
McSteamy :)
John O'Callaghan :)
novels by J.K Rowling, Judy Blume, Melissa de la Cruz & Sitta Karina

scream and shout.


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iTeddy :)
iTeddy the music-playing bear luuurves music. he listens to it all day long! :p

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

last but not least...
yet another dilemma of choices
missing feelings.
reasons why i want summer
Even though I'll never need her,Even though she's ...
pengen belajar animasipengen belajar fotografipeng...

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008 // 8:58 PM

hellow! udah lama juga ya ngga nge-update kehidupan gw. haha.

anyways, gw mau buka post ini buat bilang makasih untuk my super-classmates for making Culturific happen. i mean, seriously, we did it.
we did it. we did it we did it.
hell, yeah!

gw jujur surprised banget waktu liat anak2 binus pake batik dan baju2 yg bernuansa tradisional jumat kemaren. jujur, gw agak pesimis terhadap Culturific tadinya. secara kita baru promosiin sehari sebelum hari H. dan gw jg agak pesimis sama mental anak binus yang ngga pedulian. hehe. tapi gw seneng banget buat yang udah support kita.
thank you, everyone! :)
you've shown us that you care about our culture!
don't let anyone steal or batik again! or any culture of ours for that matter. ;p

Culturific Campaign by ~ichel09 on deviantART

tadi gw nyopotin barang2 photography exhibition Culturific. huhu, pengen nangis jadinya. kerja keras kita... huhu. nyesek aja rasanya. masa2 berjaya udah pudar... haha. tadi gw liatin comments2 dari temen2 sama guru2. terharu jadinya *dramatis bgt haha*. salah satu comments yang terus nempel di pikiran gw: "can't wait for your next breakthrough, 10A!" or something like that. haha. tapi comment dari ms. elisabeth itu sangat membangun ambisi gue untuk bikin breakthrough tsb. ;p

gw pengen banget bisa bikin Culturific an annual event. tapi mungkin lebih wow lagi. haha. mimpi lu nan. tapi gw ambisius banget buat bikin the next Culturific! we'll make it even more spectacular.

whaddya say, 10A?
you up for it?

10A's Batik Day by ~ichel09 on deviantART

Sunday, April 27, 2008 // 10:32 PM

i felt so useless lately. yes, i'm in pessimistic, slightly emo mood. crazy, huh? i have all the things i needed yet i still complain. so much for acting. i have all these bright ideas but can't seem to write/type it down. so i'm suffering from severe massive writer's block. it's crazy. i've been trying to write, really. but nothing's coming out. gaaah.

well anyways. here's the beauty in the breakdown.
i'm going for summer camp! yaaay.
i'll be going to ohio in june. yaaay. finally got myself a programme. ;p

anyways. ummm.
yeah dats it.

i'm bummed. =p

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 // 8:53 PM

before i start

i have the weirdest mood swing ever today. i could practically change from being pissed to jumpy in the snap of a finger. just like the drama activity i had today,
where i have to change to a different character on the clap of mr. c's hand. waw.

i mean seriously.
i was filled with bliss at one moment the next second, a volcano's going to errupt. gaaah its so stressful.

shud stop complaining.
so extremely happy today. well, maybe i do like him. HAHA :)
but still, only lasted for a second. blech.

anyways. that's enough.
better sulk up somewhere else.

goodluck seniors!
go ace that test!

i'm out.

Monday, April 21, 2008 // 9:38 PM

oh God. can't believe it's so tiring.
emang dasar gw, pengennya terima jadi.
payah lo nan! ga mau susah! huh.
udah ah. daripada maki2 diri sendiri mending gw tidur.

doain aja culturific sukses.
i hate being a failure.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 // 7:41 PM

omg so freakin' happy! mom just got back from KL and brought me all the books i had listed! haha.
i got:

- the truth about forever by sarah dessen
- this lullaby by sarah dessen
- hard love by ellen wittlinger
- candy by kevin brooks
- razzle by ellen wittlinger

i'm currently reading hard love, and i just couldn't stop! it's marvelous. i could somehow connect to john. ;)

it's a must read. go get it people!

Support Culturific!

hey it's been a while. hmm really don't know what to say haha. but maybe just a little update on my life won't hurt. ;p

sooo things aren't that hectic (yet) at school. oh, except for my service project. which was a bit off with the timing. now we have to cram. which is not suppose to happen! anyways, just some info, for my service project this semester, my super-classmates and i have decided to make CULTUFIC - Cultural Awareness Campaign.

the reason we came up with this is because of the fact that indonesians were "smart" enough to let our beautiful batik be claimed by other country (you know what i mean). i just hate the fact that we point fingers and trash talk and moan and complain about this issue but hardly doing anything about it. coba gw tanya, kapan terakhir kali kalian pake batik? pernah ga pake batik ato kebaya ke mall?

if you all don't realise, the reason our culture was 'stolen' is because we're not doing anything to preserve it!

sooo binusians!
Support Culturific!

Wear traditional yet comfortable clothes on Friday, 25 April. you don't have to wear javanese traditional clothes to school. for girls, you can just wear a kebaya top and a pair of jeans. and for the boys, just wear a batik shirt and a pair of pants. remember, you can be comfortable in traditional clothes!
also, visit the Photography Exhibition on Friday, 25 April - Wednesday, 30 April in Marketing Lobby, Binus School.

Show you care!


in the mean time, i have preparations to do. cya! :D

Wednesday, April 09, 2008 // 9:00 PM
Memory Card @ Kemudian.com

akhir2 ini banyak isu di kehidupan gw. mana myspace and youtube di-ban lagi! huh. yang sama skali nggak gw setujui. i mean, cmon! arh.
banyak banget yg mau gw omongin tentang isu2 itu. tapi akhir2 ini, gw merasa kesulitan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan gw lewat kata2. padahal itu sesuatu yg harusnya bisa buat gw... so much for passion. ;p

mungkin smua ini terpengaruh kekecewaan gw sama nilai ulangan bahasa indonesia yg baru 'dikoresksi' sama guru bi gw tadi. gw mengharapkan nilai gw dinaiikin, ga taunya malah diturunin. serasa kesamber petir tadi. gw ngga pernah dapet nilai sejelek itu buat plajaran bi. gw langsung down bgt ngeliat angka di kertas ulangan gw. pengen nangis rasanya. tapi masa gitu aja nangis sih, emang msh tk? hehe.

tapi jujur, kekecewaan itu besar banget, mood gw langsung drop. masalahnya itu dikiiiiiiit lagi gw fail. and guess what, i never failed my tests. neveer ever ever. jadi yaaa itu bikin gw down bgt. apalagi ntar year 11 gw mau ambil Indonesian A1 (literature), HL pula! jd nilai itu bikin gw meragukan diri gw sendiri. gw jadi merasa ga capable untuk ambil pelajaran itu. padahal awalnya gw udah agak pede sama pilihan gw itu. nyokap gw juga bangga gw ambil pelajaran itu, karena dia yakin gw bisa. nah sekarang, gw ngerasa gw udah bikin nyokap gw disappointed sama gw. walaupun gw blom bilang ke nyokap, tapi there's this ginormous lump in my throat 'cause i didn't tell her the truth. susah bohong sama nyokap kalo soal ginian. sooo I'm really sorry, mom. if you read this, please please please don't be disappointed in me. I'm really really sorry... :(

tapi gw ga akan terus komplain... gw punya prinsip, stop moaning, start acting. gw ga akan terus berlarut-larut dalam kekecewaan. lagian, klo gw ga mulai berubah, gimana ntar nilai gw mau naik? ya ngga? gw spertinya udah nyadar, klo gw seharusnya belajar lebih tekun lagi. lebih serius. i know i didn't give my best effort for this one and that makes me feel all bad all over again. tapi gw udah janji sama diri gw sndiri, i will change, i will give my best. apalagi ini term terakhir, penentuan nih. hehe.
sooo sedikit wejangan buat yg nilainya jelek, jgn terus berlarut2 dalam kekecewaan, won't get you anywhere. start acting! :)

anyways, cerpen gw slesaaaai! yaaay. tp gw gatau mau diapain. secara klo gw kirim ke majalah kayaknya kepanjangan deh. hehehe. but i couldn't resist. hehe.
sooo gw pasang cerita itu di website yg baru2 ini gw temuin, kemudian. com.
check it out! [click here]

mohon feedbacknya klo udah baca. hehe. just drop a tag! ;P

okaaay. i guess dat's enough for the day. outing tmrw, dunno how i feel bout it. haha.
bueno notte!

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008 // 11:57 PM
miss you like hell, JASPARCers!

i truly can't find any words to describe cisv's jasparc (junior asia pacific regional conference) programme. it was just such an amazing experience. i learned lots of things. how to make better plans and realising that it's not easy but not hard at the same time to change the world. as part of people of the world, we have a duty to change the things we f*cked up e.g. our beautiful planet. and i just realised that changing the world must start from myself. cause one is better than none.
world peace may not lie in front of our eyes, it may be long beyond the horizon, but i do believe it's there. and to achieve that, all we gotta do is open our hearts and mind. be more sensitive to your surroundings. stop moaning about things that's not working out, start changing it, to make it better.

i know, it's easier said than done. ;p
during one of the jasparc sessions, we were to write our committment to peace. it doesn't have to be a grand gesture, just something i need to change from myself, that can contribute to creating peace.

and my committment was to:
not be judgmental about people

to tell you the truth, sometimes i look at people and just dislike them, for no apparent reason. i mean, i don't even know them but i just speculate that they're bad and stuff. after reading to kill a mockingbird and few discussions with my friends, being judgmental and prejudiced is the catalyst to hatred and even war. don't you think so?

btw, i watched this movie called Pay it Forward during jasparc and it was so cool. it really inspired me. it's must watch movie.

anyways, i miss all my jasparc friends! :(
i can't believe 6 days pass by so quickly. it feels like yesterday that we just arrived at the campsite and talked about how freakishly beautiful our clock was haha. i miss the talks and laughs we have til 3 in the morning.
and i especially miss my roomies! REGGIE AND DHVANI!! omg, guys i miss u like HELL!!
we shud keep in touch! (thx to facebook, keeping in touch is freakishly easy haha)

hope to see you again sometime. :)
i miss you all too much! :(

well, i really can't express how much i love jasparc and the people there of course.
this post is not even expressing half of the feelings i feel.

well it's late now. got school tomorrow. bummer. haha
