Saturday, February 09, 2008 // 12:07 AM
hey-lo! sbelom gw mulai...
happy chinese new year smua! gong xi fa cai! xin nian kuai le! ;)
soooo, berhubung hari ini hari kejepit and sekolah diliburin, gw memutuskan untuk merayakan ultah gw! yaaaay!! abis booking
shabu nobu sama a private theatre di
subtitles yg bertempatkan di
darmawangsa square, semalem sebelomnya send invites and stuff... the party started! yeaaah.
sari, filza, ariani, nabila, rama, gino, misyel and fajar came. yaaaay!
yaaa bkn party gila2an gitu sih, just lunch di shabu nobu.
which was
SUPERB!jadi pengen balik lagiii. hehe. love love love the
dragon roll and
marilyn monroll! haha.
abis membuat keributan dan chaos di shabu nobu, kita berlanjut ke
subtitles. seperti yg filza dan gue duga semalem sebelumnya,
the movie picking is gonna be disastrous aaaaand,
IT WAS! garh. ;p
yg satu mau musical lah
yg satu horror lah
gino lagi mo nonton star wars!
but then we settled on
the gift, genre-nya thriller.
haha right in between! pas bgt.
trus nonton deh. [minus rama and misyel tidaaaaaak! :( ]filmnya lumayan lah [trying to get BAD IMAGES out of my head! argh!], yg maen bagus2
cate blanchett, keanu reeves and
katie holmes. where the ones among the actors.
harus gw kasih tau, nonton di subtitles tu seruuuu banget. haha.
ya namanya jg private theatre. serasa punya bioskop sendiri. lo mo ktawa2 triak2 foto2 loncat2 jg ga ada yg peduli. film tinggal pilih. mo popcorn pun ada. haha
jadi ya scremfest gitu di subtitles. triak sana triak sini, loncat sana loncat sini. hahahah. retard abis kita!
but it was a blaaaaast!! jadi pengen kesana lagiii! hahaha
tapi kayaknya serunya klo nonton film horror ato thriller gt deh. seru triak2! haha. but i spose anything will do. it's down to the company in the end! haha ;)
anywaaaaays... i had
fun fun fun!
thankiu guys udh mo dateeeeng. thx for the prezzies toooo! and the cupcake [which i blew out in subtitles, total embarassment! haha]. btw, itu cupcake spertinya gw tinggal di resepsionis subtitles. wakaka. tau ah. huhu.
right. it's a very looooooong weekend ahead. well 2 days left. ngapain lagi yaaaa?
karaoke yuk, gin! :)
another crazy idea! xp
gnite people!
love love love!!