Tuesday, September 18, 2007 // 9:55 PM
aaah. i need a peace of mind. haha.
gue bisa gila lama2. man! business test tmrw!! aaaagh.
the agonizing pain of test!
gw bener2 pengen dapet nilai bagus buat business kali ini. secara reputasi gw di business studies hancur gara tis one teacher! ahahah. yeah i blame her. and i don't care, really! bleh!
trus IT pula! aduuuh! banyak maunya itu orang! aaahh. kesal kesal! mana USB gw entah dimana lagi. melanglang buana kali tuh! huhu. spertinya sih ktinggalan di ruang IT td. huh. terkutuk tu! hyahaha. baru jg gw beli 5 bln yg lalu! udah hilang.. aduuuh jgn ilang. *ngetok meja 3x*
soooo in the midst of assessments. i seek for therapy.
yes, therapy. and no, it's got nothing to do with shrinks. where would i find shrinks at 10 PM?? duh! get real dong, people *hasil terapinya udah memudar nih, mulai aneh gini. hahaha*
ehem, hem. mari kita lanjut... yeah!
jadiii, gw punya dua macam terapi ideal... yaituuu:
- musik
- nulis
yeah. gw ga bisa belajar dengan tenang tanpa ada musik mengalun dari itunes gw. oooohh. i heart technology. gmana lagi gw mau dengerin koleksi 600 lagu gw klo gukan di itunes?? haha..
anywaysss... music is very calming for the soul. well, it is for me... because to study in silence, it's just soo... eerie and... just not right. i hate silence. it kills. x)
as for writing... yaaaa... gmana ya. i feel that i can express my feelings and thoughts and what not through the twist of words. dan secara gw lagi ada cerpen in the making, yaaaa gw lanjutin lah, just to take a break from economic watevers. and since i love love love writing, i'm calmed down now...
well not exactly.
writer's block nih. huhu.
anyways. let me let you in on my little nostalgia. haha.
i've been writing since as long as i can remember. yea. believe it or not.
i love the whole make believe thing. i love to imagine. i'd put myself in one whole different position, on a completely different shoe, whose is it i don't care, just as long as it's not mine... then i'll determine my so-called fate and destiny on my own.
hahas. sweet memories.
i tried to actually write a complete story with conflicts and resolutions when i was in grade 4. what drove me... gw sndiri ga tau. yang jelas gw udah di depan komputer, ngetik, and voila! jadilah satu cerpen amatiran.
yah, mungkin bagi orang lain, itu cuman imajinasi anak 4 SD biasa, but for me it's a masterpiece. x)
sooo, klo ditanya nih, "lo udah pernah bikin cerpen berapa, nan?"
jawaban gw, "ga keitung."
tapi klo ditanya, "yg udh selesai brp?"
"tujuh setengah." (hehehe)
trus trus, nanya lagi nih, "ooohh. klo yg udah di terbitin?"
"hah, kok bisa?" *yang nanya bingung, lah wong baru selesai 7 koq...*
"iya, angan-angan gue doang! wakakkaka!!" *melengos pergi sambil tertawa cekakak cekikik*
hahahha. iya deeehh.
say wat u want, lah! ;p
Labels: Thoughtful Thoughts