Friday, August 31, 2007 // 10:27 PM
yay. finally have the time to blog. too busy lately. (halah! sok sibuk lo nan. pasti ada yg ngomong gitu nanti. hahahaha. xp)
aaahh the end of weekdays is here. friday. yay. saturday tomorrow! finally.
anyways, since it's a friday, agak ga niat skolah hehe. kayaknya gw ke skolah untuk bersosialisasi tadi hehe. guru bahasa gw jg complain gara-gara kita bawel banget hari ini. haha. maaf deh, miss. it's friday yknow... haha. jadi slama bi kita menggosip. it's fun hihi. x)
talked about the latest issues at school. if u know wat i mean.
anyway, the craziest thing happend during math. so glad i decided not to skip after all haha. bayangin dong. kita
ktawa2 selama 15 menit non stop! i am so not lying. tanya aja anak2 10a binus. you'll know i didnt lie. all started gara2 pada ngejekin rambut morgan yang baru dan mirip too-cool (tukul maksudnya hehe). then one thing leads to another and suddenly the whole class erupts with laughter. sampe2 mr godfrie mukanya merah gara2 ktawa!! wakakaka.
i mostly laugh gara2 ivan ktawa sampe guling2 kayak bayi mo boker gituh!! kocak abiss! parah banget deh! xp
so after class, i had a conclusion,
Laughter is Highly Contagious.and it made my friday. x)I Love 10A!
Kekompakan kita tidak tertandingi! xp
It's the best. x)
gnite people. hav a gud weekend!
Labels: 10A Tales, High School Remedies, Memories too beautiful too erase...