Friday, February 23, 2007 // 11:58 AM
ughh. sebel nih. gw ga enak badan. sama sekalii. kayaknya tuh lemess bgt. pusing. mau jalan nambil minum aja kayaknya beraaaat banget mau melangkah. uhu. i hate being sick.
owh crap. gw pusing nih. assessments are coming. running towards me like a stampede. udah gitu belom ngerencanain dance party yg bisa dibilang hampir gagal. itu acara udah di ujung tanduk tau ga?? i say, that gw kurang organised. kita kurang organised. sebel. i really want this to happen. pokoknya gw ga mau tau. i want to hav this. i want to MAKE this happen. yes, i'm an ambitious person. and i want to show it to the world. hows dat, huh?
a not-so-wise (no offence, dude) person once said, " destiny are for losers. they let things happen instead of making them happen "
that i saw once di kelas Bahasa Indonesia nya Ms. Palupi. jujur, pendapat gw ttg quote itu 50-50. setengah kagum, setengah lagi menganggap itu quote total bullshit. wats wrong with destiny? aneh. siapa sih yg bilang begitu? tapi i believe in MAKING things happen. and i don't really think it has to do with destiny. in fact, more to kemauan kita untuk making it happen. if you let things happen, it's not because of destiny, itu cuman karena mereka pasrah and gampang give up.
udah ah. i better stop complaining.
have a nice day everyone.