Saturday, February 10, 2007 // 10:55 PM
finally ktemu casey and monsii.. yea.. aduuhh. aku kangen banget sama mereka mereka ituu!! jadii tadi kan gw ajak casey, monsi and filza jalaaann. since its my bday, i'll treat them lunch sushi teii.. ahh. seneng bgt akhirnya ktemu stelah skian lama.. huhu. anywaes so we atee and talkd, bout the past and present. truss kita jalan2 ajah. hehe. ksana ksini. photoboxx. haha.. udah lama gw ga photobox. hehe.
then, monsi left. she got this softball game. then, tinggal casey, gw and fie. so we decided to go to ratu plazaa. browsing dvd and stuff. fun. tapi gw cman beli grey's anatomy cos i don't really hav enuf money left. trus qta balikk lagiii!! and ran to ariel, od and nonny!! haha. oia and inez too!!
ariel's quote: "akhirnya cisvers kumpul semuaaa" haha. betul juga. pas nonton good charlotte jg gtu.. haha
yea and after dat we all went home. to our lovely couch. infront of the telly.
it's late people. get some sleep. tomorrow's sunday. do some exercise. spend time wit ur family. prepare for the dreadful monday.
or do watever it is u do on sundays.
i'm talkin nonsense here.