Monday, February 19, 2007 // 9:30 PM
alohaaaaaaa. omigod.
i seriously need to overcome tis habit. as in.. MALESS. aduuhh. ya oloh. i hav PKn assessment tmrw!! i hardly know a thing!! well i do.. just, ga yakin udah nyantol ato blom. ehehhe..
aduh.. tadinya gw mau naro post panjang lebar nihh. tadi gw lagi mood nulis. trus gatau knapa gw malah jadi browsing ttg
HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. ahh gw nungguin forever for that book. ahh. i got da topic.. gw mau cerita agak panjang lebar...
gw pertama kali baca harry potter, kalo nggak salah pas gw kelas tiga ato empat. sebenernya sih, itu buku udah diterbitin sejak taon 97. tapi, kyknya belom masuk indo deh. eniweis.. waktu itu bokap gw yg beliin bukunya. first time i tried to read it, i thought, gilaaa tebel banget ni buku.. sanggup ga ya gw selesaikan.. (btw, wktu itu gw baca yg bahasa indo.) gw kadang suka baca buku tapi ga gw selesaiin (sampe sekarang jg gtu hehe). pertama2, gw inget banget, waktu harry baru beli2 barang di
Diagon Alley bareng Hagrid (yes, i remember it clearly.) tapi gatau kenapa i got bored...
then one magical day, i tried to read that book again and i just couldn't put it down. rasanya kalo gw taro itu buku, i'm missing something.. and penasaraaaan terus.. alhasil itu buku gw bawa
kemanapun gw pergi. seriously. no joke.
lalu, sejak itu gw cinta banget banget banget sama harry potter. gw gak tau gmana hidup gw sekarang kalo ga pernah baca buku itu. sounds exagerating, but, oh well. hahas
sekarang, gw menunggu buku bestseller terakhir karangan J.K Rowling ini, membawa gw kedalam lautan emosi. i mean seriously. excitement, sadness, curiosity, happyness.. all mixed up in one big giant cauldron (gotta stick to the theme). buku ini buku terakhir. like, CAN U BELIEVE DAT?? 10 years has past. J.K Rowling life is practically rags-to-riches. well, i mean something like that. some source says that she's even richer that the Queen of England!! Or so they said.. and all that because of a wizard boy called Harry Potter.. which is exactly why she is my role model.. *sigh* *sob sob* *terharu*
moving on... setelah gw excited ga ketulungan, i thought.
THIS IS THE FRIGGIN LAST BOOK OF THE SERIES.. the end of it all... rasanya gw pengen nangis sebisa-bisanya gw nangis... cos there will never be another Harry Potter to look forward to. except for the movie. but still. its the end of it all. gone. ok. dead. *ENDLESS SOBS*
moreover. i'm really really going to miss the guy (Harry Potter).
i'll miss reading the book until 3 in the morning. (regardless school days)
i'll miss discussing it with my frends over and over again
i'll miss crying to myself at night from reading the book
i'll miss the raging thoughts i'll have in my head from the arguments and such going in the book.
i'll miss the whole emotion packd up in the book.
*SOB*well, it's late peeps.
say goodnight and go (to bed)