Thursday, February 08, 2007 // 2:17 PM
hallow smuaa. bagaimanaa? masih ada yg kebanjiran? buat yg masih sabarr yaaa.. berdoa terusss and selamat membersihkan rumah.. :p
anyhows. i discoverd something today. (yeah, kyk heroes ajah :p)
ternyata nihh...
KOLEKSI POSTCARD GW BANYAAK BGT!! well, there are 38 of them, blom termasuk yg udah gw tempelin di binder gw :9 gw kira gw cman punya 10an. eh ternyata, hehe.
kadang, kita emang ga nyadar kita telah mengoleksi sesuatu. tiba2 udah banyak aja. kayaknya, gw pertama kali tertarik ngeliat postcard yg lucu2 dari adracks. itu loh, postcard gratisan yg sering ada di mal2. gw ambilin ajah. and i know, its advertisements. i think nyokap gw sempet mikir those are just ads. habis lucu sihh, ya gw ambil aja, ya gak??
yg paling gw suka, itu yg gw dapet dari majalah NGI (National Geographic Indonesia). gambarnya foto2 yg diambil sama fotografer nya natgeo. some of them were very simple, tapi it has a lot of meaning. x)
trus gw jg punya postcard yg gambarnya lukisan lucuu. dilukis sama pelukis australia (i think. :9) i got that in gold coast, australia pas liburan kesana. nanti klo gw inget gw scan deh. trus gw pasang di sini. hehehe.
ahhh. lucu juga ya... gw punya koleksi yg ga pernah gw sadarin. as in, i never knew i had them, apalagi collecting them. and i never had the intention of even trying to collect them. haha.
well, i'm off.
have a good day everyone..
have a real good one..