Wednesday, January 10, 2007 // 10:28 PM
i'm baaaack!! yea. udah lama ga nge-post niih!! keasyikan dengan liburan. yaa gak juga sie. secara gw liburan ga ngapa2in. but mostly i helpd my mom with editing and layout of her report thingy. aaaand. i lost the connection!!
hebaat!! baru 10 menit gw ngetik!! god, i hav a wireless connection at home but it can't even reach my room!! padahal ga jauh2 amat dehh!!
huhh. payah.
and i'm connected again. namun gw ga blh berubah posisi ato ga nanti ilang. and its not a comfortable position. xp
aaaaaaaaahhh. bsk masuk skolah. (tuh kan sinyal nya ilang lagii..) jujur, sbnernya gw kangen sama suasana and atmosfir skolah. something special about it. yet gw males blajar. tapi pngen ktmu tmen2.. hoho. tapiii.. demi kesuksesan masa depan. hehe. apalagi binus udh dpt IB (yg DP). belom lagi UAN. dan bimbel. ahhh its gonna be a depressing year. hoho. tapi, daripada gw ga bisa skolah??
sooooo.. cant wait for tmrw (aaaahh!! sinyalnya ilang lagiiii.. barusan adaaa!!).. meeting my friends. endless talking teachers. wat else? ooh, freezer-cold class room.. UNLOCKD LOCKER!! EO meetings, SRC meetings. lama2 mledak deh ni kpala.. x(
well, dah malem nii,,