Wednesday, January 03, 2007 // 9:01 PM
ok, i am officially a family person. but, whatdeheck!! i love 'em love 'em love 'em!! ok, lets start.
MONDAYso, after the whole new year's eve thing at eyang's house, at the afternoon, eyang, omberlin and i went to watch
CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER. yea, gw dah pngen bgt nonton tu film. habis bokap gw ngomongin film-nya sampe berkobar-kobar gtu!! yaa pnasaran deh gw. and pas gw tonton, gilaaaa. it is by far the greatest chinese motion picture i have ever watched, after "crouching tiger, hidden dragon".
wew. gila deh tu film. unpredictable bgt!!
let me give you 3 hints of the oh-so-unpredictable ending:
blood-stained chrysanthemums, failed marriage and family dinner gone wrong.
yepp. dats all i'm giving you. go watch it yourself! :p
TUESDAYwent to sushi tei for lunch, with tante osi, eyang and mom in snayan city. yea, i've been craving for sushi. trus tante osi maw borong gtuw bwat tmen2nya di aceh. seeing as they've problly never tasted and she loved it. had some latte to at, and the coffee is soooo strong. pait bgt!! yea, maybe i'm not used to it yet. :9
habis itu ke pancoran, maen GOKART!! yeaa, berhubung baru pertama kali maen gokart, gw excited banget. played there with om berlin, indi and rana(my bro). trus nunggunya lamaaa bgt. sejam-an ada mungkin.
TODAYwent bowling! nyoba maen di pasar festival ituw. and it's not bad. i mean ga beda sama bowling yg di automall, ps or anything. same old bowling alleys all over the city. hehe. gw cman maen satu game, since i dont really enjoy bowling that much, but indi and rana played two.
habis itu ke pancoran lagi, maen GOKART. tapi GAGAL. gara2 HUJAN. padahal klo ga hujan nunggu paling 40 menit-an. huhh. padahal gw dah nagih nieh. huhu. mauu. i love the sound of the machine. pngen ngebut!! huhu.
after that, yaaa pulang. trus ngisi ni blog. ahaha.
well, dat's all folks!!
smiles and sparkles,