Sunday, December 31, 2006 // 5:14 PM
okay. made a mistake. wasted my time changing to blogger beta. cos i dun see that many diffrence. oh, well. x)
soooooo its the last day of 2006!! tommorow we will wake up in a different year. problly we'll all wake up and think: its time for the NEW and improved me to emerge. (cieh. kata2nya) usually, klo new year qta bikin new year resolutions. a list of things we'd like to change in ourselves, no matter how little the change is. like changing bad habits, e.g: stop biting ur nails. i think the whole resolution thing is gud for us. hoping that by the next year, everyone can see the new YOU. so start listing those resolutions
NOW!! :)
anywaaaaaays. i dont really hav a plan for today. tadi arisan kluarga brg sodara2 yg berlangsung sepi. hbs bnyk yg ga dateng sie. x( trus paling nanti gw maw liat k cynthia (my guitar teacher) nge-band di stc. bwat acara McD yg "sharity" ituw deh kyknya. trus paling just hangin out with my one and only cousin: INDI!! yea. we're THAT close. ya iyalah, ya. beda umur kita ga nyampe sebulan gtuw. ahahah.
luv ya, cuz!tadinya sieh ray ngadain new year party at his place. tp ngasi tau nya br kmaren sii. hehe. gw dah trlanjur bikin plans. well, hope u guys hav a great party!! :)
got nothin' to talk bout rite now. haha. so i better go.
see you next year!!!!