Monday, December 18, 2006 // 8:27 PM
TODAYyaaay. it's math day!! i sucessfully twisted my brain. tnyata, there's so much more to a circle than i thought. perasaan itu tuh bulet. udah. selesai. trus ada luasnya and keliling blah2x.
eh TERNYATA. ada lagi.
ada GARIS2 yg gw ga ngerti kegunaannya apaan. and the stupid line goes all over the place.
why can't it just go to one direction all the time. sheesh. nambahin isi otak orang ajah. hoho.
SUNDAYnothing really. gw dirumah teruss dari pagi. trus les gitar. genjreng2x.
ya gitulah.
habis itu bantuin d indi ngedit2x poto.
trus jam 7, gw teringat! JENG3x. i've got a jiffest movie to watch. yea.
terang aja gw antusias. masa beli 5 tiket gw cman nonton 1 film. akhirnya gw sm nykp ke eX dan menonton tu film.
its good. actually bout death. and responsibilities. but more to death. well none of the characters died. only one though. who got hit by a train. yea, dats sad. tragic too.
well, it's more about how people view death.
one of the character is sarcastic.
one is scared.
one keeps having images of her death. (e.g. train crash, car crash, eaten by a shark, earthquake etc.)
well, something like that. it's very simple but interesting.
very interesting.
cos one day we're all gonna face death.
may not be
our death. may be a friend, relative, acquaintance. who knows...
aside from the discovery of me getting an 'A' in math, i went to snayan city. with caren, op (a.k.a prawn curry. details later), hana, nadia and kev(slamat ya kev!). iya kevin was the only boy gtuh. kinda stupid but watever, ada nadia ini. pasti dia ikut. hehe.
tadinya kan maw nntn eragon gtu. niatnya sih dari kmaren2 nntn di pim. tapi ga jadi, monica nya ud nntn duluan gtu. hehe. padahal dia yg ngajak. hoho. yea, jalan lagi yuuk mon!! kangen nie.
anyhows, akhirnya kita mnonton DEJAVU. yea akhirnya gw nonton jg tu film. it waas grool. yea.
trus apa lagi yaw. yauda gtu doang. trus makan bntar di chatterbox. then jam 7 gw pulang dehh. hehe. dats my day!!
abis les math di rmh, gw ke PS. i had tis EO meeting thing at starbux. tapi gw dateng telat sejam gtuh. ahah. yasuw lah. the meeting must go on. after d project manager, vanessa left, meeting pun bubar. yang lain pada pulang and ada yg pegi, tp gw gataw kmana.
lalu, gw pun mengitari PS kayak anak ilang. nyari black shirt and pants. its for tis drama thing. yea. i dun hav black pants. x(
then, mom picked me up. but we ended up eating at sushi tei!! yeaaa! i deserve gud sushi!! yumm. but i was so hungry i ate chicken katsu curry too!! yumm. i want more!!
gotta go nie. my BROTHER wanna use the compie. i dont know what for. tapi kasian ahh. haha. i'm such a gud sister. x)