Monday, November 27, 2006 // 7:46 PM
wow. judulnya... terkesima gw jadinya..hehe. tapi bener lowh. nyadar ga sie, klo pelajaran yang paling berguna itu pengalaman, kesalahan dan keputusan kita?
gw aja baru nyadar hari ini. jadi, gw nonton jak.jazz bsama ortu gw. but then i got so tired, so i begged my dad to go home. i can see he was so pissed bcos he loved jazz problly as much as he loved me.
tp ujung2nya gw malah yg kesel coz i think he is selfish and just thinking bout himself. not reali caring that i am tired and mata gw tinggal setengah watt.
kekesalan itu gw pendam, sampe when i wake up in the morning [i.e 10.30 am xP] gw ngerasa i was the one who was being selfish that nite. i mean, i noe that my dad loves jazz sooo much. but i dragged him out of the show he probably like the most.
and i feel guilty. yea.
tapi somehow gw bersyukur i felt and act dat way. not that i think it was the rite thing to do... tapi gw belajar dari itu.
gw belajar bahwa we can't be self-centered, coz the friggin world doesn't revolve around me!! maybe if i didn't dragged him from the show i never knew what the term selfish realli is. hehe.
but now, think about the doing the things u felt reaaaally guilty of. and imagine that if you didn't feel guilty at all, you'll never learn! misalnya, lo ngomogin temen lo di belakang dia. if you felt guilty after that, then you've learned. but if u didn't, put yourself in their shoes. gimana rasanya kalo lo yang diomongin? kalo lo ngerasa lo bakal sakit hati, then u've learned. klo ga? well, u've got a long way to go, honey!! x)
udah ya,