Friday, May 30, 2008 // 8:04 PM
fyi, no, things aren't going to well. everything seems wrong. scratch that, everything is wrong. but, yeah. i'm coping. so far.
or at least trying to.
Thursday, May 29, 2008 // 12:05 AM
it's officially the second anniversary of my blog.
yes. two years. i never thought i could nurture it this long.
i'm glad. proud of myself. :)
this is what keeps my writing going. and i hope it will continue until god-knows-when.
lotsa things has happened in my life ever since this blog was made. it's a witness of my maturity, well maybe i haven't matured that much yet. not until that level, but i grew up. i understood more things. i learned lessons that made me more mature.
this blog is a record of my journey for the past 2 years. from year 8 until now, year 10 going to 11. from the day i first got into cisv (and found the joy of it, the love of it. i'd like to thank casey to for bringing me into that world. luv ya, case!), until now that i'm going to summer camp in less than a month. from breaking down because of a stupid love story (yes, mine thank you very much), to realizing how things in this world don't always go the way i thought it should be, therefore we must seek the beauty in the breakdown. from tom sturridge to jim sturgess (english hotties!)
well, a lot has passed. but hey, there's more to come. and i just can't wait to share it here.
happy birthday bloggie.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 // 8:28 PM
heeyy. been quite a while. nothing much happened today. well we were sposed to have drama practice but that somehow didn't work out. ;p
well, the highlight of the day was DVDs, people! yeah, i went dvd hunting with ichel and julianto at ratu plaza today. haha. and wow, the temptation.... gaah... there's just too many movies i wanna get. it was all like, "
eh, ini kayaknya bagus deh, chel..." "
oia! [enter movie title here] kan juga keren bangeeeet!" hyahaha. susah deh.
well i ended up buying
6 dvds:
- step up 2 - sooo cool! the dances was r.a.d!
- 21 - jim sturgess was H.O.T!!
- the jane austen book club - wow, i wanna join! haha
- music within - seems inspirational :)
- fetching cody - canadian indie movie. worth a shot.
- silk - ooooh, i've been looking for that movie!
anyways, yeah those were the result of my dvd hunting. anyways i also bought 2 cds. jamie scott's and sara bareilles. so far... sara bareilles rawks! you go girl! haha.
i'm tired. and i think i wanna wtch another movie. haha. ciao!
Sunday, May 18, 2008 // 8:54 PM
i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A i don't wanna leave 10A ...
Thursday, May 15, 2008 // 10:36 PM
omfg, i'm getting more and more expert at procrastinating. coz it's almost effing 11pm and i haven't exactly done anything until it's completely finish. and guess what, instead of doing that crappy logbook, i played my guitar.
yeah, waw, smart nandra.
u had tons of things to finish but u're sitting on the dining room chair strumming away. which reminds me, my guitar seems out of tune... hmm... crap.
well, it's a blessing in disguise coz now i can play anyone else but you! nyahaha. it's very easy btw. haha.
so now. things arent really done.
the logbook. the service portfolio.
the this. the that.
crazy larh.
oh i havent talked about why i hate us embassy people. especially that bitch at the front counter (outside). i mean,
santai dong ya mbak! gw beliin silver queen deh biar nyantai (tapi ga usah ah ga worth it, ntar kursinya rusak gara dia tambah gemuk!)... maaf aja
gw ga tau application tu yang manaaa! kertas gw banyak begok!ga nyantai banget sumpah. and i can't believe she acts that way towards me.
sebel aja, arogan bgt sih. gw tau deh lo kerja di us embassy, but hey, yknow wat,
i'm indonesian, u're indonesian, aren't we suppose to treat each other equally??!!! bokap gw aja sampe bilang, "god, wat a bitch."
yea, well that's the truth.
yg bikin gw tambah gedeg lagi, gw udah bawa surat ini, surat itu, akte kelahiran, kartu keluarga. EH. TERNYATA.
udah gw merinding nunggu di interview, gara udh ada 4 org yg visa-nya ditolak. gemeter keringet dingin berak2 gw di celana (ya ngga lah ya tolong).
eh tapiii.
gw dapet visaaaaa! yaaay!a bit worth it, dijutekin sama mbak2-gendut-ketebelan-makeup-lipstick-merah-kayak-abis-di-gigit-laba-laba (apa coba). trus nunggu tiga jam. behh. cape dah.
but oh well, i'm going to america! yeay.
so excited can't wait for summer time zomfg.
it's late.
conversation of the day:
tiffany(t): coba apa ya penemuan yang paling ga penting di dunia ini
nandra(n): oia gw tau! itu tuh keriting bulu mata di salon
n: iya, ntar jadi kayak gini lagi *gambar mata dengan bulu mata kayak abis di blow spiral*
n: hyahahahaha
a: ha? masa gw bayanginnya ntar jadi kayak kriting yg zetzetzet gt *gambar mata dengan bulu mata keriting2 zigzag - ya, gw jg ga ngerti*
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 // 10:07 PM
super-quick late night update:
1- yay, i got my visa!
2- i hate US embassy people!
3- omg, exams comiiiing! nooo!
4- omg, the click five's coming agaaaaain! must must watch!
5- man, i'm tired.
details shall follow tmrw.
gnite ppl!
Monday, May 12, 2008 // 10:08 PM
mari kita merenung. tepat 10 tahun yang lalu, tanggal
12 mei 1998, terjadi tragedi trisakti. yang memakan nyawa para mahasiswa, yang hanya menginginkan perdamaian. mari kita hargai usaha mereka demi mencapai perdamaian. yang tanpa mereka ketahui, ternyata malah mengambil nyawa mereka.
ironisnya, sampai sekarang, perdamaian itu belum tercapai.
bahkan kasus trisakti ini pun belum juga terselesaikan.
sebagian dari mereka yang selamat, mengalami pengalaman yang sangat perih, karena perlakuan tak layak dari aparat yang janjinya melindungi rakyat...
ingin aku bertanya...
kemana hilangnya keadilan?
Sunday, May 11, 2008 // 3:49 PM
hey. not much happenings today.
just got back from summer camp meeting and dance practice.
yeah. we're doing tari saman for our cultural performance. which i still havent nailed until now. well only some parts tho. i totally messed up the first and second part. haha.
good job, nandra.
well, got bio homework to do. just felt like updating my day.. haha
anyways, buat yang bisa nari saman.
AJARIN GW DONGS!huhu. hopeless ni gw! :(haha. yasud lah. ciao!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 // 9:45 PM
sooo i finally went shopping today! on quite a limited budget from my dad. god, things are expensive these days.
anyways, so at first me, anya and alvie was supposed to be going to itc today then to tebet afterwards. but last night, anya has to cancel coz she has this wedding thing. huhu. it would have been more fun if u tagged along, nya! sooo it was just alvie and me.
at first i went to itc. needed a cardigan since i'm just so sick of losing cardigans at school. so it wouldn't break my heart that much if i lost a non-branded cheap cardigan. haha. so since it turns out alvie would be late picking me up at itc, i wandered around itc like a lost kid haha. i found lotsa cool stuff. but too bad i had quite a limited budget haha. and yeah things are quite expensive these days. ahaha. i actually found a very cute shirt [baca: kemeja]. i've been looking for it, and when i found the right one, it's overpriced! gaaah. oh, well. i wandered some more and got 3 dvds! yaaay! i got:
penelope [starring james mcavoy!]-how to deal-as you like iti didnt care that the subtitles are messed up in penelope but
james mcavoy is just so effing gorgeous! hyhahaaha.
sooo after that we took off to tebet! and man do i love that part of jakarta! hahaha. it's shopping galore! we went to
bloop and
nanonine. i bought a necklace in nanonine. but the best thing i got from this shopping spree is a pair of
GLADIATOR SANDALS!OMG, I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR GLADIATORS! and i finally found one in bloop! oyeahbaby!! i sacrificed not buying any cute tshirts and vests and wallets etc etc etc for that one pair of gladiators! man i love love love love it!!!
i love the color! it's like red. well not blood red. more like iron man's suit red. haha.
watever, I LOVE IT! and i FINALLY GOT GLADIATORS! gaaah. yayy yayy yayy!!
weeell, we ended the shopping spree by having late lunch at sushi groove. well it was superfun, vie! we shud do it again! haha. ;p
anyways. i had a fun saturday!
thx for the cash dad! :D
ciao ppl!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008 // 10:25 PM
heiii. gila ya yang namanya jakarta. ditumpahin air dikit dari langit. MACET. pinter banget deh sumpah. huh.
sabaaaar. breatheee.
anyways. ada satu hal yang menggerakkan gw buat bikin post ini. ini adalah ironi anak muda indonesia jaman sekarang. yang bikin gw lebih geleng2 kepala lagi, ironi ini gw temukan di sekolah gw sendiri. malu ga sih, lo?
sooo, kemaren waktu assembly, mr. eric mengadakan reflection tentang kebangkitan nasional. tanggal 20 mei 1908, orang2 dari berbagai suku di indonesia, merasa sebagai
orang indonesia. identitas mereka bukan lagi berdasarkan suku, tapi sebagai
orang indonesia. saat itu, kira orang indonesia bangkit melawan penjajah sebagai
orang indonesia. dan disaat-saat itulah, lagu kebangsaan
indonesia raya dikumandangkan.
melihat kebelakang, udah lama gw nggak nyanyiin lagu kebangsaan gw sendiri. agak malu rasanya. soalnya takut lupa kata-katanya. hehe. lah wong orang indonesia kok nggak hapal lagu kebangsaan sendiri? malu2in aja. ;p
moving on, saat reflection itu, mr. eric nyuruh kita berdiri, tegap, menyanyikan lagu indonesia raya. disinilah ironinya.
gw harus menahan kekesalan yang mendalam, karena anak2 binus pada menganggap hal ini sebagai lelucon, atau lebih parah lagi, sesusatu yang nggak penting. instruksi mr. eric dianggap sebagai bahan tawa dan gerutu. ngga tersirat rasa bangga sama sekali saat menyanyikan lagu indonesia raya. nggak usah bangga deh, kalo emang ngga bangga, paling engga serius.
i mean, gw tau negara kita ngga sempurna. banyak masalah ini itu.
flaws here and there.
banyak orang-orang masih melarat lah, pendidikan nggak terdistribusi dengan baik.
tapi nyadar ngga sih, klo lo sekarang
nginjek tanah indonesia, sekolah di indonesia??klo lo nyanyi lagu indonesia raya aja kayak disuruh loncat dari lantai 5,
ngapain lo disini?seriously, it pissed me off real bad.
bahkan mr. peter aja, yang bukan warga negara indonesia, berusaha menyanyikan indonesia raya? padahal bahasa indonesia aja belepotan. malu ngga sih, gw tanya??!
buat yang tersinggung, maaf aja ya. emang niatnya gw mau nyinggung, sih.
gw ngga tahan aja ngeliat sifat kayak gitu!
well, people. in conclusion however fucked up you think indonesia is,
have pride. masih banyak hal2 yang indah dari tanah air kita.
be proud of it!
i-dont-give-a-shit mindset gw lg full on. bayangin udh jam segini blom tidur jg. gile lu nan. padahal ada pr les sama english yg belom kelar. and school starts inn approx. 7 1/2 hours.
nice work, nandra.
and guess what.
i really really dont give a shit.
Sunday, May 04, 2008 // 1:45 PM
playlist of the day:1. falling slowly - glen hansard and markéta irglová
2. your life and mine - just surrender
3. coffee - copeland
i just realised among the 900-something songs in my laptop, there are quite a lot i haven't even played. haha. ironic.
anyways, yesterday i went to sum 41's concert. not that i'm a big fan of them, but dad got this free tickets from his friend. so wth, lets go! called up filza and anya to come along. i felt a bit stupid among the not-so-many crowd (yeah, they didn't even fill up the festival!), like, only knowing 2 of their songs which i don't even bother to memorize. haha.
but i like sum 41's songs. their songs are fun and enjoyable. nice to shake your head and jump to haha. well another thing i realised is that their bassist, cone mccaslin is just effing cute! he somehow looks a bit anorexic in the posters, but wtf, he's cute. haha
here are some pics:



omigosh, i really wanna mess up that hair! haha. it looks so good messed up. ahaha. the messier the better!
owell, enough for the hottie newsflash! better get back to my bahasa hw. i'm so not getting another 5 in my report card.
yes, call me a geek for all i care. xP