Wednesday, April 02, 2008 // 11:57 PM
i truly can't find any words to describe cisv's jasparc (junior asia pacific regional conference) programme. it was just such an amazing experience. i learned lots of things. how to make better plans and realising that it's not easy but not hard at the same time to change the world. as part of people of the world, we have a duty to change the things we f*cked up e.g. our beautiful planet. and i just realised that changing the world
must start from myself. cause
one is better than none.
world peace may not lie in front of our eyes, it may be long beyond the horizon, but i do believe it's there. and to achieve that, all we gotta do is open our hearts and mind.
be more sensitive to your surroundings.
stop moaning about things that's not working out,
start changing it, to make it better.
i know, it's easier said than done. ;p
during one of the jasparc sessions, we were to write our committment to peace. it doesn't have to be a grand gesture, just something i need to change from myself, that can contribute to creating peace.
and my committment was to:
not be judgmental about peopleto tell you the truth, sometimes i look at people and just dislike them, for no apparent reason. i mean, i don't even know them but i just speculate that they're bad and stuff. after reading
to kill a mockingbird and few discussions with my friends, being judgmental and prejudiced is the catalyst to hatred and even war. don't you think so?
btw, i watched this movie called
Pay it Forward during jasparc and it was so cool. it really inspired me. it's must watch movie.
anyways, i miss all my jasparc friends! :(
i can't believe 6 days pass by so quickly. it feels like yesterday that we just arrived at the campsite and talked about how freakishly beautiful our clock was haha. i miss the talks and laughs we have til 3 in the morning.
and i especially miss my roomies! REGGIE AND DHVANI!! omg, guys i miss u like HELL!!
we shud keep in touch! (thx to facebook, keeping in touch is freakishly easy haha)
hope to see you again sometime. :)
i miss you all too much! :(
well, i really can't express how much i love jasparc and the people there of course.
this post is not even expressing half of the feelings i feel.
well it's late now. got school tomorrow. bummer. haha