Sunday, March 23, 2008 // 10:51 PM
i need books. it's the holidays but i don't have a reading list. ok, fine i still havent exactly started on
sense & sensibility, or picked up
my sister's keeper but i don't feel like reading any classics lately or any
heavy-weight novels for that matter. i'm sick of classics being shoved down my throat. i need sarah dessen's young adult novels. and i'm actually praying for judy blume to
please please please write another young adult novel. ;p
but i guess i'll have to stick to sense and sensibility and try to get
my sensibility back. since i've got all these books lying around yet i'm complaining i have nothing to read. haha. typical me. ;p i'm currently browsing through amazon and teenreads to find some young adult novel to add to my wishlist (i'm a pretty good one at multitasking haha).
so far i've got:
I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder (
the excerpts kinda creepy, but it seems interesting)2.
Take Me There by Susan Colasanti
(read the excerpts, can't wait for more)
This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
(no need to explain. the author says it all)4.
That Summer by Sarah Dessen
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
well i spose that's it. i'm gonna read just listen again. and find more reasons to convince people why i want owen armstrong as my boyfriend. haha.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 // 9:16 PM
man the song i've just put up (which apparently is
not playing as of a minute ago) is like an open book to my (past) love life. which suck. arh. haha. it's so remarkable how a music could bring you back your memories... just like what
Owen Armstrong in Sarah Dessen's
Just Listen said in the book:
"... music is a total constant. that's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it... because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. no matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment. which is pretty amazing..."and i couldn't agree more. you see, i think that my life has a soundtrack, just like a movie does. it plays sad tunes when the characters are down and happy ones when the characters are happy.
and so our life has it's own soundtrack too, i guess.
try to think of a song that you remember so much. and see how it connects to a point in your life. there must be one.
aside from being a soundtrack, songs are like a remedy too for me. some songs lift up my spirit if i'm down. such as
Let Go by Frou Frou. just hearing imogen sang the line "
...cause there's beauty in the breakdown..." lifts me up again. somehow. haha.
right, this is a (supossedly) random post. haha. but then again, just something i'd like to share with you. but really, music is a remedy. it's a soundtrack. it's believe it or not, a memory.
some songs bring me back to memories. be it bitter or sweet. be it the ones i long for or not. but it just do. whenever you listen to a certain song, somehow it's as if you're pulled back to that memory.
as if it's a time warp that pulls you straight to that memory.
call me crazy, but that's how i feel sometimes.
if that song brought me back to some bitter memory, i might actually cry.
yeah. then again, call me crazy.
oh well. i'm off now. i feel like doing something else that doesn't involve me staring at a monitor. haha.
aaaand since it's the holidays (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!) i can sleep whenever i want to! yeah haha.
hav a nice one peeps!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 // 9:17 PM
god, i'm going crazy. school is making me crazier and crazier. i just performed my greek drama performance today. i freakin' stubbed my toe two times. arh, crap. it hurts. oh well. the performance was ok, tho. good job, guys. woot woot! :)
so term tests are coming soon. yay! :(
it's crazy, i'm really aiming high this term. coz i was not content with my result last exam. haha. so i gotta work harder! yeah.
well it's easier said than done. obviously.
don't be stupid, nandra! u can do it!
speaking of school, i've picked my subjects to be studied for year 11 and 12. and wow, i couldn't believe i chose that. well some of them my counsellor sorta chose it for me. i wonder why i agreed to that. but then again, that is my interests. haha.
so im taking:
- english A1 SL- indonesian A1 HL- mathematics SL- chemistry SL- business & management HL- economics HLwow. yeah. i know right. haha. i wanted to study art, but then it'll be to much workload. oh well. it's still 3 months away.crap. oh well. i wanna enjoy my sophomore life first. haha.
it's late. i freakin' need sleep. HAHA. ok not funny.
Sunday, March 09, 2008 // 8:38 PM
hey-ohh. waw, java jazz has been a blast! it was super-cool!
jadiii jazz adventure gw mulai pada hari jumat, 7 maret. bgitu masuk, musik main dimana2. pertama2, gw msh bingung mau kmana. secara jadwal udh pada diganti2, jadi yg tadinya mau nonton
megan bowman, ngga jadi, gara2 diundur satu jam. huhu.
tapi abis itu gw jalan2 aja tanpa tujuan, ehhh trus ktmu kiwi sama icha. tadinya kiwi mau nonton parkdrive, but he changed his mind hehe. secara gw pengen bgt nonton
sara gazarek, kita pun jalan ke tempat sara gazarek main.
ehhh ktmu sama od, ariel, mike and gabysd! yayh. haha. mike akhirnya gabung sm kita, smentara ariel, od and gaby cari makan di luar.
pas masuk venue nya sara gazarek, udah dapet front row...
damn, those security people! huh. menyesatkan.
gagal nonton sara gazarek, kita cabut ke plenary, nonton
which was just
FABULOUS!padahal gw ngga gitu demen incognito. tapi asik2 aja sih hehe.
after dat cabut lagi, nonton 21st night, yg katanya sih feat. maliq. tp pas dtg yg ada cman indah maliq doang. haha. tp gw cman nonton itu 30 menit, trus sama mike cabut ke renee olstead. tapi gila itu yg ngantri renee olstead udah kayak semut ketemu gula. rameee bgt. gw sm mike udh sempet putus asa. trus si mike pngen ke toilet, padahal gw maju terus pantang mundur mau masuk ke renee olstead. yasud lah, karena gw teman yg baik, gw temenin tu anak ke dpn toilet. huh.
dia ke toilet ternyata membawa berkah! woot woot!
coz gw ktmu
megan bowman.
and guess what,
i chatted with her! and took a picture of course! wooooo!!
the conv goes like:
me: u're from australia, right?
megan: yes, i'm from melbourne.
me: oohhh, i love that city!
megan: yes, it is. you've been there?
me: yeah, i have. i'm planning to study there, actually.
megan: oh really? where dyou want to study?
me: umm, maybe monash *dalem ati: mimpi aja lu nan
megan: ohhh, monash is good... what dyou want to study?
me: journalism
megan: oh, that's great! my sister studies journalism there.
me: oh, really? *gatau lg mo ngomong apa, udh deg2an ginih
megan: yeah. victoria university is also good. i studied there.
me: ohhh. what did you study? did you take music?
megan: no, i studied law.
me: law?! woow. dat's a long way.
megan: *laughs.
AAAAAHHHHH!! gila gw seneng bangeeeet! i love love love her music! it's soothing. u guys shud check it out! ;p
after the ecstatic moment wit megan bowman, gw ma mike berlanjut ke renee olstead, maksain masuk ke hall yg udh sempit bgt gt. hoho. sampe sana.. buset gw ga bisa liat apa2! huhu. but i reaaaaally enjoyed the music! gw cman liat dia perform 2 lagu doang. huhu. but at least i get to see her perform
summertime! yeayh.
abis dari renee, gw ma mike cabut ke sara gazarek. i stayed there for like, 20 minutes. saw her perform 4 songs (i spose haha). and she was
wonderful! lagu2nya sangat menenangkan! haha. and her bassist and pianist is just soooo cool! apalagi bassistnya! gila bgt maennya! wew.
after that, gw ma mike nyari icha sm kiwi, yg katanya lg nonton ecoutez. eh pas ksana, mreka bilang udah pada kluar, mo cari makan. pas mo jalan kluar, ternyata luck is still with me... coz gw ktmu personil2nya maliq! yeayh. akhirnya gw mengumpulkan keberanian and bilang ke indah minta poto! yeaaaaaaaaaahh! dapet foto lagiiii.
hahaha. berasa menang lotere gw. *apa siii
habis itu makan, trus lanjut ke andezzz. which was sensational! woww bgt. tp sebel gw kyknya sound nya agak jelek gt. huhu. but it was cool, still!
kluar2 dari andezzz, gw, kiwi sama icha (mike dah pulang duluan) ktmu vocalist-nya incognito! yeah! trus foto deeeeeh! haha btapa bangganya kita *padahal namanya aja gatau. HAHAHA. dodol pisan.
abis itu, kita ke stand merchandise, i got the fabulous jazz diva tee! yeay. tapi abis itu kiwi pulang, trus gw sm icha melanglang buana tanpa tujuan di jcc. tapi ga lama abis itu dia pulang sih. dan gw balik ke bokap sm ade gw, yg lg nungguin
earth, wind and fire. pas ksana, trnyata ngga terlalu seru, gatau knapa hehe.
abis itu pulang deeeeh. jm 1an nyampe rumah. hehe.
puas bgt gw... haha..
sbenernya jazz adventure gw blom berakhir. masih ada lagi satu hari full of jazz! haha. tapi to be continued ah... hahaha.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 // 9:53 AM
random ramblings:
- oh,man! batere ipod gw soaaaaak!! noooo!!
- duh, keyboardnya butut bgt sih! spacebarnya musti diinjek dulu baru kepencet
- yaaay java jazz in 3 daaaays!
- feist lagunya enak2 yaaa...
- aaah pengen beli albumnya
simple plan yg baru, sama
light grenade-nya
incubus jugaaa.
- aaah pengen ganti template! bosen. huhu
- pengen ke london, deh (lho?)
I MUST NOT BUY ANYMORE BOOKS before i finish of
atonement, pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility.- AAAH MALES PENGEN PULANG
that's my head screaming. so effin' bored, man!