Thursday, July 12, 2007 // 11:06 PM
halo smua!! waa dah lama gw update niey. smua kegiatan blogging gw tertunda sejak balik dari Hanoi and KL last sunday. huhuhu.
sooo. nothing's really up with my world rite now.
eh tapi tapiii.. gw tadi nonton
harry potter and the order of the phoenix. my reaction to the movie?
i hate to say... but, i am dissappointed with the movie. coz mnurut gw terlalu banyak yg di potong2. secara gw udah baca bukunya, film nya jadi ga gitu berkesan gitu. agak lompat2.
well, film nya masih dalam tahap ok siihh. and klo di tonton dua kali masih oke2 ajah. tapi ga sebagus yg sbelum2nya. gw gatau ini karena beda sutradara (?) atooo apa yaa?? well, emang sih, ga mungkin bisa persis banget kayak di bukunya.. klo ga kan gw bakal duduk di bioskop slama 4 jam !! huhu. pegel bo!!
tapi gw sebel bgt ga ada adegan quidditch sama skalii. padahal di buku ke 5, adegan quidditch nya KEREN BANGET NGET NGET. bayangin klo ga baca di buku aja udah keren, gimana kalo dijadiin film coba? kerennya pol2an. hehehe.
all in all. i give this movie 4 stars instead of the usual 5. hehe.
owh, for those who have seen the movie (and haven't read the book) and is not sattisfied enought with the movie. i recommend u to read the book... (yes, i preffer book to movie.. haha.)
well, this is so long as it's gonna get for tonite.