Saturday, June 23, 2007 // 9:14 PM
misserably campsick!
i mean wat else could i possibly say?? the camp has practically GROWN on me. everything! the feeling, the atmosphere, the flagup, songs, lullabies...
i love it i love it!!
fine it was EXTREMELY tiring. but i love every minute of it!!
and i found wat i wished for this summer!! i found
ok, you get the whole thing. and this year's proto is full of LOVE. i can't believe we actually cried. it's just .. WOW.
i really can't tell proto in words. it's clogged up inside, waiting to burst out. but it seems to me that it can't be described in words.
we learned a LOT of things. exprience NEW things. make NEW friends. it seems like the world is perfect. tho we do learn about how NOT perfect the world is. but the togehterness in the camp make it all seem PERFECT.
perfect friends.
perfect love interest.
perfect roomates.
perfect games.
perfect songs.
perfect days and nites.
yeaaa... i miss it all..
all of it.
now, i'm really losing it. can't describe anything. just well, THAT!!
arh! susah ah. yasud. ngantukk. kyknya masih tepar gw gara2 evaluasi ampe jam 2. huhu.
gnite everyone..
have a blasting