Friday, June 29, 2007 // 11:38 PM
gila nih jg sgini blon tidur gw. hehe. padahal besok flight nya pagiiiii bener. hehe.
i can deal with dat lah yaaa.. hehe. =)
found this bulbo on fs. but cant post it due to:
"The maximum number of daily bulletins has been exceeded.
yea. watever. here goes.
Bulbo ini spesial buat para Jomblo...
Post dengan Subject: Jomblo!!!
1. Lo mau punya pacar gak dalam waktu
dekat ini?
mau dengan org tertentu tp. hehe. ;p
2. Apa yg lo harapkan pada pacar lo
perhatian. setia. baiik. dan yg pling penting SAYANG ma gw. ;p
3. Secara fisik lo suka pacar yang
seperti apa?
yaaaaaa gitu laah
4. Klo sifatnya suka yang seperti apa?
setia, jujur, seru, humoris. :)
5. Klo nyari pacar mana yg lbh penting,
sifat ok/fisik ok?
sifat and charms. eheh
6. Ada yg lagi lo incer gak skrg?
ada, lah ya. hehe
7. Ada yg lg pdkt gak ama lo?
i dun think so
8. Lebih enak jomblo atau pny pacar?
9. Maunya punya pacar yang umurnya
lebih tua atau lebih muda?
tua. hahaha
10. Klo ada yg nembak lo gmn?
klo org nya itu emg gw suka... ya trima lah yah. hehe
11. Klo ada yg lamar lo tahun ini gmn?
gak lah.
12. Apa lo berminat menembak seseorang
dekat2 ini?
gak lah.
13. Atau jgn2 lo mau melamar seseorang
tahun ini ya?!
buset ini lagi.
14. Target umur brp lo dapat pacar?
skrg jg boleh koq. ehhe
15. Klo merid target umur brp?
late 20s-early 30s.
16. Skrg lagi memikirkan siapa?
ada deeeeehhh.
17. Terakhir terima tlp dr siapa?
8. Terakhir terima sms dr siapa?
19. Terakhir nonton bioskop sama siapa?
20. Terakhir ke mall sama siapa?
21. Terakhir dinner sama siapa?
22. Pertanyaan terakhir, lo lg deket
sama siapa?
no one. pngennya sih samaaaa....... hehehe
there. cmon i was bored! hahas. =)
gnite everyone.
Thursday, June 28, 2007 // 10:51 PM
haloooo smuaaaa. haha. spertinya udah agak lama gw ga isi blog.
hmmm. lets talk bout summer. my summer is goin on just fine. ooowh! i went to watch transformer todaaayy. was fun! cman bdua doang sih ma sodara gw. but still.. its a very gud movie. *interuption: maav ya ben, ga bs nemenin lo ntn heheheheh*
hmmmmm. wat else to talk bout? oh rite, i'm still CAMPSICK. huhu.
oh! hanoi in 2 DAYS!! yeaaaayyh.
yaaaah. ga bisa ke PRJ bareng Febry dan naq2 Colombia itu deeehh. huhuhuh.
yasud lah, life goes on.
hmmmmm. i'm being so random here.
it's late anyway guys. SLEEP TIGHT! =)
Monday, June 25, 2007 // 8:01 PM
hallooo smuaa!! how's everyone's summer so far?? fun fun fun??
well.. since proto has ended, i feel lonely and still campsick. its kinda boring at home. =(
i miss keramaian proto. di bangunin pake toa. the kitos. cisv songs. and much much more.
but i extremely miss my chocos and chocitas! hihi. bnyk yg udh pd fly fly maw liburan yaaah?? huhu. ga ngajak2. gw maw pegi siih hihi.
akhir-akhir ini ga ada lagi yg bisa gw ungkapin kecuali betapa kangennya gw sama prototype camp. a lot happened. if u know what i mean. hihi. >.<
pokoknya kangen kangen kangeeenn!! ayoo teman2 jalan lagii yuuk. hihi.
jadi inget, sabtu kmaren pada jalan ber-26!! hihihii. seru sih, cman maw beli tiket aja lamaaaaaa bgt. hehe.
yasud lah. yg penting smua seneng kaaaaaaann!! =)
udah, yahhh..
bye bye smuaaaaa.. =)
Saturday, June 23, 2007 // 9:14 PM
misserably campsick!
i mean wat else could i possibly say?? the camp has practically GROWN on me. everything! the feeling, the atmosphere, the flagup, songs, lullabies...
i love it i love it!!
fine it was EXTREMELY tiring. but i love every minute of it!!
and i found wat i wished for this summer!! i found
ok, you get the whole thing. and this year's proto is full of LOVE. i can't believe we actually cried. it's just .. WOW.
i really can't tell proto in words. it's clogged up inside, waiting to burst out. but it seems to me that it can't be described in words.
we learned a LOT of things. exprience NEW things. make NEW friends. it seems like the world is perfect. tho we do learn about how NOT perfect the world is. but the togehterness in the camp make it all seem PERFECT.
perfect friends.
perfect love interest.
perfect roomates.
perfect games.
perfect songs.
perfect days and nites.
yeaaa... i miss it all..
all of it.
now, i'm really losing it. can't describe anything. just well, THAT!!
arh! susah ah. yasud. ngantukk. kyknya masih tepar gw gara2 evaluasi ampe jam 2. huhu.
gnite everyone..
have a blasting
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 // 10:55 PM
eio. rite. nothing really good to tell.
school's fine. skipped a few classes [sorry, mom. ;p] so BORED, dude. but the presence of my friends got me lost in the funtasy land. haha.
my stories going quite well though. It's like already 2000 words. so, i don't think it qualifies as a short story. now, wat's longer than a short story but shorter than a novel? tell me if you know. :)
aha! i found the word:
novellaAccording to Wikipedia:
"A novella is a narrative work of
prose fiction longer than a
short story but shorter than a
novel... the novella as having a word count between 17,500 and 40,000 or 60 to 130 pages..."
o, wait. i don't think my story is gonna bw 60 pages long. bleh.
aha! i found the
correct word:
novelette[then again] According to Wikipedia:
"A novelette (or novelet) is a piece of short
prose fiction. The distinction between a novelette and other literary forms, like a
novella, is usually based upon
word count. The
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Nebula awards for
science fiction define the novelette as having a word count between 7,500 and 17,500, or 45-85 pages, in length..."
7,500 words? u think i can reach that level? hmm... i hope so. :)
right. it's late people. school tmrw. :(
yea. school. bleh.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 // 8:34 PM
lets start with the funny one first. now, this happens during math class.
Now, my weirdo-math-teacher-which-i-will-not-say-the-name-due-to-the-injury-of-good-reputation-of-others (otherwise known as math teacher or teacher in this post) told us to sing an EXTREMELY WEIRD UGLY song. the conv went like this
teacher: everybody stand up!
students:*stands up*
teacher: now, sing this: "i look very good, very good, very good..." (in an extremely UGLY tone)
teacher: cmon sing it! *sings the miraculously ugly lyrics* put your thumbs up!
students:*berusaha ngejaga imej nya yg lagi diancurin sm guru math sndiri*
teacher: now, bend ur neck. *sings the STOOPID song and started dancing around the class*
teacher: hehehe.
vicky: gw masukin
youtube deh!!
teacher: *dengan muka cengok + begonya* what?
*class settles down*
nandra: *bilang ke mia* kalo bisa jual video di youtube, laku ga ya?
yea. so WEIRD. what, does he think we're in kindergarten or something? DUH! songs don't make learnings better anymore! sheesh. keep up would ya please.
oh, btw, vicky did record the whole thing. hah. stupid much. hope it'll be a hit on youtube.
NOW. the ever so MIRACULOUS thing that happened today was... I WROTE.
i finally wrote a frikkin story. rite, i've got the big idea in my head since yesterday, but don't know how to put it down on paper. so during Bahasa class i was so bored, cuz there was NOTHING to do. and it was a FREETIME too. so i started writing away, knowing that i'll reject it like the others anyway.
BUT. it turned out real GOOD. so i kept on writing. during classes. I really don't know where the inspiration comes from tho. i recall one of the inspiration was from the movie 50 First Dates. so yea it's a 50 First Dates-esque story. But no, not exactly the same one. You'll see!
I'm off now. I practically just got home 20 minutes ago. ahahah.
yea. Narnia read-through and Prototype meeting.
It's coming!! Can't wait! :)
cya. have a nice summer!
Monday, June 11, 2007 // 11:02 PM
nice song, no? found it while browsing late at night. peeking at prambors's top40s chart. then searchd for the song on imeem. and FOUND IT!! cute song. hheehe. fell in love with it so suddenly. teehee!!
nite evryone. schweet dreams.
*wishing to meet micheal scofield-esque guy in my dream (and i hardly watch the show anymore)* hahas
hey. just dropping by. really don't have anything to tell. my life is very monotone huh? it's the same routine every day.
7am wake up call-school-xtra lessons-home-dinner-tv-compie-sleep.
well,it's generally like that. that's exactly why i am
desperately waiting for the holidays. waiting for the routines to change. waiting for some
bizzare things to happen. :)
really really reallly can't wait for
prototype camp. i know i'll problly be a bit busy, but i'm so sure it'll be
fun. changes of routines are good for the soul don't you think? hahas.
i think i'm talking nonsense here. better stop. :9
anyways, i only have
2 speaking lines in
which suck. i wish for a role with more speaking lines.
however, i must be grateful to be in the play, no? :)
it's not like everyone can land a character for the fantabulous play? :)
rite. i'm bored. CSI:NY is starting in an hour tho. better hang out in front of the box before my bro snatches the remote. :)
and i'm ending the post with a smilie.
Saturday, June 09, 2007 // 10:17 PM
heyy!! yknow wat i am so CRAVING for novels!! i mean, cmon, it's "summer". what's summer without a reading list?? and i found LOTS in amazon's listmania. i want them ALL!! aarhh!! speaking of novels, i've been TRYING to write something. i just want to type and make a story. BUT, it just won't flow! help! i've got lots of ideas in my head, but i just can't put them into paper (or ms word documents). God, help me!
rite. maybe i should look for inspirations.
starting from...
Thursday, June 07, 2007 // 8:51 PM
heii people of all nations! i hav an update on my role in NARNIA.
ok now. lets get to a better topic than narnia. hmmm let me think. * think think think *
i am SO freakishly jealous of people at school. why is it that we've got sooooo many new couple around??!! and why am i not one of them?? huhu. makes me wanna cry. :(
BUT, life can go on, rite?? let's all look at the bright side... hmmm... aha! i've got one!
LOVE is all AROUND :)
sooo this summer. maybe i should find an eligible candidate to enter my love life? or maybe fall for the old one?? haha. life is ever so strange...
whoops! it's kinda late guys. i wanna make over my template. tee hee.
ow and before dat, bwat yg baru jadian. awet yah!!
smoga cinta bersamamu selalu dan selamanya!!
cheers. :)
Monday, June 04, 2007 // 11:07 PM
why is it that i ALWAYS forget the IMPORTANTE news??!!
I GOT CALLED BACK FOR THE NARNIA PLAY!! OMIGOD!! CALLED BACK!! AAAARRHH..!!I was all speechless when fie told me.
Oh, God... Thankiu...!!
Heeey!! :)
Guess wat, I am sooo addicted to my smoothie-esque creation.. which i'd like to call:
Strawberry Banana Blended Yogurt.. [catchy huh?]
And here's to the recipe:
- 125 gr Banana yogurt
- 3 to 5 strawberries
- approx. 1/2 cup of water
- 1 table spoon of honey [cos it's healthierr than sugar :)] <-- this is optional, tho. ;p
- ice <--optional too. ;p
How to make it:
1. put the banana yogurt into the blender, along with the water and strawberries. oh, don't forget the honey and the ice.
2. blend the ingeredients at medium speed.
4. pour the blended yogurt into a mug/cup/glass/bowl [anywhere as long as its drinkable. hyahaha]
5. sluuuurrrpp! enjoy :)
now, how bout dat?? nice huh? try it.. nice on cold summer days.. :)
it's late people. cya!
strawberry kisses from:
okay, extreme boredom strikes.. soooo found this uber cool photo of adam levine on . :)

isn't he the HOTTEST??!!
Sunday, June 03, 2007 // 9:28 PM
heeeeeeeeellllloooooowwhh!! aaaaahh finally finished my article for the mading thing... agak males nih bikin gituan.. padahal biasanya gw excited bgt.. but i guess i'm more excited by the Amazaing Race booth we're gonna open at the Fair Factor on 5th of June...Very Very Excited.. Kayaknya seru aja gitu. ihihi...
and i really really can't wait for prototype camp. i'm VERY sure it's gonna be a blast-o-rama!! well, at least dat's wat i kept on hopin'!!
eh2,, masaaaa yaaa.. tadiii febry ke rumaaaahh!! ehehhe. seru2... kan ceritanya kita maw diskusi and bikin decor bwat farewell party minggu depan. namuuun.. karena lack of resources, ga jadi bikin deh. eheheh. malah makan.. and goreng pempek. ahahahha. enak loooh pempek nya megariaaa!! the best. tops bgt lahhh!!
habis goreng pempek dan mencernanya... we decided to play MONOPOLY...!! yeaaaayyy!! ad gw baru dapet gitu td, hadiah ulang taun.. STAR WARS EDITION BO!! wooooo!!!
trus maen deeehh!! GW MENANG LOOWWHH!! febry rakus siiih,, langsung bikin city di planet yg PALING MAHAL!! ya langsung bangkrut lah.. UTANGNYA BANYAK!! nyahahahah... ga pinter berbisnis lo, feb!! ahahah... seru2x.. kpn2 maen lagiiii feb.. k rmh gw lagiii. ehheheh..
yeaa, dats about all.. hihihi... i'm bummed. cya tmrow, woooorld!!
Saturday, June 02, 2007 // 11:11 PM
AQUARIUS - The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to.Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only.
Someone loves them right now. " syp yah?? and it really makes me wonder.. =)
heio! i was all out and about today! fun fun fun! sooo pertama gw ke senci. hico meeting gitu. turns out it was at 11! not 1! mike tuh, ngasi info sesat! =p but i got there on time tho. but no one was really there except me and bjav. yeaaa sooo, discussions go on.. then along came dea... then discuss some more... trus makan BURGER KING dehh!! akhirnya gw makan burger king jg!! huhuhu.
then off to eX!! yeaaaayy!! met caren, tessa, hana and nadiaa. went around a lil' bit. played pool. drank. fool around. take pictures. the usual stuff. hehe. but then tessa went off with her boyfren. went around again. try on stuff at zara. i found this uber colourful summer dress.. i wanna!! mommiee.. i need u and ur wallet. ahhaa. kidding.. yeaaa sooooo... dats all.
o btw, i got a tshirt at amild and MAROON 5 - IT WON'T BE SOON BEFORE LONG!! aarrhh ever so cool!! i am so in love with Adam Levine. HE IS UBER SEXY MAN!! not just his looks and his body.. his voice is the most SEXIEST!! love him sooooo...!! must buy album!!
yaaah bgitulah hari2 ku. gi males nulis nih. hihi.
udah ah.
met bobo...
bwat syapa?
bwat smuanyaaaaa!!
Friday, June 01, 2007 // 10:53 PM
ha! something incredible happened just now. NO, i did not discover that i can stop time like hiro in heroes.
ok! tadi kan gw lg nonton Secret Window [played by Johnny Depp, YEA!].. it was about this writer (Johnny Depp), who had a writer's block and is in the middle of a divorce... so he secluded himself from NY in this lakeside. then, someone guy called Shooter (i forgot his first name) came out of nowhere and claiming that a story Johnny's character wrote was actually Shooter's, which means it's plagiarised...
SOOO.. the Shooter guy started killing people cos Johnny didn't wanna admit it.
BUT... at the middle of the movie.. I realised... Shooter isn't real... it's actually Johnny Depp, his character, i mean...
EH! ternyata... BENER!! ahahahha...!!! I AM SOOOO GOOD!! yeaaa!! this kinda thing happened for a few times... hh.. maybe i SHUD make a movie, i have the instinct already.. ahah
kepedeean lo nan! hehe. yasuw. it's late.. maw jalan bsk!! yeaaa!!