Monday, November 27, 2006 // 7:46 PM
wow. judulnya... terkesima gw jadinya..hehe. tapi bener lowh. nyadar ga sie, klo pelajaran yang paling berguna itu pengalaman, kesalahan dan keputusan kita?
gw aja baru nyadar hari ini. jadi, gw nonton jak.jazz bsama ortu gw. but then i got so tired, so i begged my dad to go home. i can see he was so pissed bcos he loved jazz problly as much as he loved me.
tp ujung2nya gw malah yg kesel coz i think he is selfish and just thinking bout himself. not reali caring that i am tired and mata gw tinggal setengah watt.
kekesalan itu gw pendam, sampe when i wake up in the morning [i.e 10.30 am xP] gw ngerasa i was the one who was being selfish that nite. i mean, i noe that my dad loves jazz sooo much. but i dragged him out of the show he probably like the most.
and i feel guilty. yea.
tapi somehow gw bersyukur i felt and act dat way. not that i think it was the rite thing to do... tapi gw belajar dari itu.
gw belajar bahwa we can't be self-centered, coz the friggin world doesn't revolve around me!! maybe if i didn't dragged him from the show i never knew what the term selfish realli is. hehe.
but now, think about the doing the things u felt reaaaally guilty of. and imagine that if you didn't feel guilty at all, you'll never learn! misalnya, lo ngomogin temen lo di belakang dia. if you felt guilty after that, then you've learned. but if u didn't, put yourself in their shoes. gimana rasanya kalo lo yang diomongin? kalo lo ngerasa lo bakal sakit hati, then u've learned. klo ga? well, u've got a long way to go, honey!! x)
udah ya,
Saturday, November 25, 2006 // 1:30 PM
oyea. i am finally free from those hideous exams. haha. in ur face!! yeayeayea.
kmaren anaq2 binus merayakan akhir dari exams yang menyakitkan hati serta otak ini. hihihi. and everyone was packd up in SENAYAN CITY... busett!! jadi kan ceritanya, sehabis les math di rmh, gw ke snayan city, di ajak fie, tmn gw. dan tnyata ada banyak org disana. berhubung gw dateng jam 4an, dan anaq2 itu smua ud dr jam 1 disana, akhirnya mereka pulang lbh cepat. hehe. tinggal gw ma fie jalan2.. hyaha.
gw dan fie pun berjalan ke lt 4... wkt lg jln ke hokben, ehh dari atas ada sekumpulan naq binus.. gw bingung koq ada yg melambaikan tangan ke arah gw? apa itu orang minta tolong?? ohh, tidak.. dia menyapaa!! ahaha.. [hah. idiotic]
lalu gw makan di hokben. dan dari eskalator, akuw melihat makhluk2 yg disebut guru.. yea. i met my teachers in snayan city. haha. now dats original. doesn't feel awkward when u meet a teacher in the mall? hahas.
lalu stelah makan gw bjalan ke surfer girl. stelah melihat2, gw dan fie pun muterin lt 3 snayan city. ehh tiba2 ada yg manggil.. ternyata itu chie2, "eh, filzaaa nandraaa... pinjem sms dong!!" haha. idiot. ;p (peace, chie)
haha. yea binusians jadi anak snayan city skrg. abis dkt sie, 15 menit nyampe ( i guess. :9)
trus tadi kata tmn gw, pas nonton casino royale, itu teater isinya makhluk binus smua. ahaha. we've invade dat friggin mall. x)
eh, pas gw maw pulang, di lobby gw bertemu rena, seorang tman gw yg blom pernah gw temui sejak open day cisv. its a small world, after all, huh?
btw, i saw gorgeus male models in snayan city, anyone got any idea why they're there?? salah naek psawat kali yee? hehe.. idiotic.
gotta go now.
Monday, November 20, 2006 // 10:09 PM
before i start take a look at tis:

keren2x. aku suka!! hihi. i'm so into digital imaging these days.. its titled: a statement: I AM NOT VICTIMSED.. yet.
ok. first off..
mulai hari ini juga gw menyatakan untuk menjadi sealiran dengan garfield. WE HATE MONDAYS!!
busett hari ini gw sialnya gila2an... gw tulisakan kronologisnya yaw.
monday 20 11 06 7:05 am <-- yea around dat time:dengan mata 0.05 wat, gw tiba2 terbangun gara2 mobil gw nge rem mendadak. dikarenakan dua mobil di depan gw berhenti. dua mobil tsb berhenti dikarenakan ada kecelakaan motor. lalu tadinya yang mata gw dah maw merem lg jadi menyala 5000 wat (cukup untuk menyalakan nyc times square on a saturday night.. haha ngaco..) gara2 ada BUS MAYASARI BANGSAT YG NABRAK MOBIL GW SAMPE PENYOK.
untung gw masih hidup sampai detik ini juga.. bersama ad dan supir gw.
hmm, itulah kekuasaan allah.. huhuhuw. x)
monday 20 11 06 8:30 am
it was test week. nandra was reading her materials for her agama test. then sudenly. OTAK GW KOSONG BO!! sumpah koq gw ga ngerti yaw.. hehe.. lalu setelah beberapa lama menerawang... aha! aku bisa menjawab no 1 lalu 2 lalu 3 dst.
monday 20 11 06 11:28 am
nandra terlihat menulis di kertas jawaban esai sejarahnya dengan kecepatan pesawat jumbo jet telat mendarat (??). karena guru pengawas telah berkata:
"cmon guys, 2 more minutes, i will walk out from the classroom with or without your test."
mamat aja ampe terkesima ngeliat tulisan gw yang kayak oret2an gw waktu umur 2.5 taon. akhirnya gw berlari dengan menjawab pertanyaan "jelaskan perjuangan diplomasi RI (perjanjian linggarjati, renville, roem-roijen & apa lagi tuh atu lagi gw lupa... oiya!! konferensi meja segitiga,, i meant bundar) yah. nasipp.
monday 20 11 06 2:00 pm
nandra terlihat sedang berkutat dengan pekerjaan kumonnya. ternyata sekali lagi sindrom otak kosong menyerang!! waspadalah. waspadalah.
itulah dia. kronologis 'monday sux' oleh nandra g. anissa .. huhu. sedih yapp.
apakah ini hanya semata monday just suck for some people or is it the BUSH CURSE??!! ato jgn2 santetan org yg tadinya mao nyantet bush malah salah target jadi ke gw?? hmm hmm.. gw santet balik aja tu orang!! tao rasa..
namun di balik itu semua, i still believe in miracles and the power of prayers. jadi ceritanya kan gw tadi naik taksi agar tidak telat ke sekolah and jadinya malah ga boleh ikut agama. ditengah amarah dan kekesalan gw akan orang yang salah nyantet.. eh salah, sama si tukang bus... supir taksi itu datang... and as i look at the guy's ID, i saw dat his name was 'nurhadi'..
wow. gw bengong aja abis ituw. gw sampe mengedip2kan mata (buat ngilangin belek juga sie).secara nurhadi adalah nama mendiang eyang kung (kakek) gw. mungkin juga ini berkat eyang putri gw yang selalu mengatakan bahwa ia selalu mendoakan gw. huhuhu. jadi terharu gw. tengkyu eyang. i love you always. <3 yah. begitulah harikuw.. x) ihihi.
lessons learned:
-miracles happen. x)
-belajarlah dengan giat agar bisa mengerjakan test dengan cepat.
oyea. as for my car. it's busted. x(
ps: for those who want to put da picture above in ur website or watever, pls credit it to me yaw. its a hard work.pls appreciate it.. x)
Friday, November 17, 2006 // 9:14 PM
huhu. blogskins lama skalii.. x(
eh, spertinya udah waktunya gw ganti skin nie. coz i'm not crushed anymore.. cieh.. ahah.. gw berusaha enjoy life aja without worrying about crushing on anyone.. cos someday u'll get CRUSHED by your CRUSH. ahahah. ga penting bgt sie..
gw ga lama2 yaw. gw cman maw bilang:
" ya, allah swt. berikanlah aku keimanan pada saat ujian nanti. berikanlah aku ketegaran agar aku bisa melewati masa2 ujian dengan sabar dan tenang. berianlah aku kesuksesan juga.. terima kasih, ya allah.. amiin "
itulah doa gw untuk minggu ini. hehe. exam niey. huhu. x(
doain gw yaw tman2. i'll need ur support. :9
toodles-p.s: i am officially and src officer. through a less than half an hour ceremony in c701, binus skool. [ga penting, but i'm proud of it x)]
Thursday, November 16, 2006 // 8:58 PM
arrh.. blogskins bego!! rusak mulu!! takbisa donlod skin saia.. its about time i change the skin of tis blog.. i don't feel lyke black colours anymore.. i need colourful ones!! yee-pee!!
arrh.. msn jg ga bisa login!! wat the hekk is wrong with internets nowadays?? ow.. its working!! LESS THAN 5 MINUTES AGO!! xP arrh..!! bismillahirahmannirahimm..!! yess jalan.. hahah.
okaii.. i think i just saw something on the sky... it says 'EXAMS' goddamit.. exams.. owh that is the worst one syllable word available in the dictionary. ugly. huh. and it starts monday!! aarrh. untung art gw udah slesai. penderitaan gw berkurang.
but when u've done something u'll get a reward.. which is.. ONE MONTH HOLIDAY!! YEAAA!! mungkin gw ga pergi kmana2 yg jaoh2.. but at least i stayed away from EXAM PAPERS!! and all other papers teachers give me on school days. ahaha..
hmm. i guess i should stop now, since i need to do my english short story i don't feel lyke doing. but since the teacher told me to.. wat can i say??
*things to do*
p.s: tim, slamat yaw. ga bilang2 sie dah jadian. ohoho. x)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 // 9:50 AM
haha. tadi nya post ini ga sperti ini.
namun. i can't recover de fukkin post
damn. huh. still blank when i press
"recover post"
well. i think the post i wrote while
i was in the IT room goes like:
" dasar blogger bego.
kmana smua post gw? huh.
udah website IT gw ga kbuka lagi.
apa jadinya nasib peradaban internet?
huh. dasar. "
well, i cant remember the exact thing.
thanks to the lame internet at skool.
and problly blogger too.
alert for binus: Wi-Fi !! skrg dah taon 2006
udah ga jaman kabel lagi!!
btw update for the previous post:
website IT gw jalan. haha. finally.
improvement of my day. haha.
udah ah.. nanti kepanjangan ga bisa ngepost lg.
ps: i still cant fight laziness. hope u guys r doing well. x(
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 // 9:23 PM
“ whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at heathrow airport. general opinions starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. it seems to me that love is everywhere. often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. when the planes hit the twin towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. if you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around. ”
-hugh grant as prime minister in love actually
haha. itu kata2 baguss bgt. but instead of heathrow airport, i'll think of bandara soekarno-hata aja deh.. i've never seen heathrow. haha. malah ga bisa ngebayangin. =P
and bener deh. love is everywhere. sometimes its just invisible, you just don't know its around. jadi di saat dunia kita ini banyak peraang, hatred, racism. as long as there's still such thing as love, it'll go 'round. rite? do you agree people? hihi.
coba bayangin, ditengah2 perang iraq-us ato lebanon-israel. in the front line, all you can see is hatred. tembak sana, tembak sini. bom sana, launch roket disini. padahaal.. miles away from dat hideous place, there are people, their loved ones, waiting and praying for them. ditengah2 perang yang ga ada ujungnya itu, masih ada cinta di dunia ini. [cieh. nandra. nulisnya. hihi]
so yea. try to think of an airport. changi. jfk. soekarno-hatta. lax. heathrow. narita. think of those airport's arrival gate. there must be someone, who waits for their loved ones to come to them.
try and picture yourself in the arrival gate of an airport. you see your mom, dad, bro, sis, uncle, aunt, grandpa, frends, boyfrens, girlfrens, all waiting to see you again. u'd run to them.. and give them the biggest hug. wouldn't u?
yea. i believe in the saying ''love makes d world go 'round'' coz in the middle of these endless wars. love is still around. think about it. x)
gotta go now.
Sunday, November 05, 2006 // 9:33 PM
gw punya musuh baru akhir2 ini... dan itu musuh adlh KEMALASAN.. busett.. bner2 dah gw malesss bngt.. jadi bingung, udh year 9 gw malah males2an. padahal bntar lg uan. tidakkk. huhuhu x( coba.. klo year 9 aja gw udah males kyk gini.. MAW JADI APA GW??!!
uhuhu.. saking malesnya gw... gw LUPA NGE SAVE ESSAY SOC STU GW!!! OMIGOD NANDRAA!! WASSUP WIT DAT?? SEJAK KAPAN LO PERNAH GA NGE SAVE KERJAAN LO *brtanya pada diri sendiri*?? gw langsung berteriak begitu gw nge klik tombol 'no' pada saat layar monitor kompie gw bertanya 'do u want to save the blah blah...' nykp gw aja ampe kagett. dikiranya gw knp.. astagfirullah..
nyokap gw akhirnya berkata, ' kamu sie, males2an ngerjaiinnya... '
gw pun mnjawab, ' males apanya?! ' dengan nada paniik ala nashz
dan nykp gw balas mnjawab, ' ya maless bikin essay nya. apa lagi? '
lalu saia pun terdiam.. walah.. ternyata my mother bener jg.. mungkin karena gw terlalu malas..
hh.. nandra2x.. maw jadi apa dirimu jika kamuu besar nantii..
*background musikk: 'andai aku bsar nanti' - sherina*
yasuw.. demi menghilangkan rasa malasku, aku akan pergi tidur.. biar pada esok hari, saia akan segaaar... dan tidak melupakan pr tentunya..
ciao muah muah.. <3 <3
note to self:
-post hari ini jayuss
-brantas kemalasan!!