Thursday, May 31, 2007 // 9:27 PM
halo tman2... saya nandraaaa!! ok btw... as all of you have noticed, I CHANGED MY TEMPLATE (again)!! yaaayy!! remembering that my blog just had it's first bday.. i figured i need a new look for it. and it's the whole new beggining thing yknow... i'm sorta in high school already soo.. i figured to start a few things over..
okay, enuf with the pep talk.
now.. this may sound weird.. but, i am sooo 'interested' in the word obscure/obscurity. coba deh.. pronounce it for a few times, it'll get stuck in ur head. hehehe. gw aja gatau dengernya dari mana.. aneh memang.. aku kan kadang2 aneh.. ehehe..
by the way, it means:
ob·scure /əbˈskyʊər/ [uhb-skyoor] adjective, -scur·er, -scur·est, verb, -scured, -scur·ing, noun
1. (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain:
an obscure sentence in the contract.
2. not clear to the understanding; hard to perceive:
obscure motivations.4. indistinct to the sight or any other sense; not readily seen, heard, etc.; faint.
5. inconspicuous or unnoticeable:
the obscure beginnings of a great movement.6. of little or no prominence, note, fame, or distinction:
an obscure French artist.
7. far from public notice, worldly affairs, or important activities; remote; retired:
an obscure little town. (source:
hahaha.. see wat i mean?? i thought it has a connection with the word 'security' hehe. i think this blog is obscure. or me, i feel that i am obscure. i mean i am definitely 'indistinct' to this oh-so-frivolous world.
an obscure girl in a frivolous world. ha!
yupp. seems like i'm enriching my vocabulary. i mean if i ever want to be a writer i have to know a LOT of vocabs rite? hahaha..
rite. i wanna brainstorm.. maybe make a new short story..
<3 yous.