Wednesday, April 25, 2007 // 7:07 PM
We flying the first classUp in the skyPoppin' champagneLivin' the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeBy the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossyhaha. and dat was Glamorous by Fergie ladies and gents. eniweeeiiss. I'm inspired by this song tiba2 pas tadi di jalan. setelah gw pikir2, hidup gw itu 'glamorous'. i live a 'glamorous' lifestyle in jakarta, the so-called metoropolitan city.
Right, Ok, I don't wear Dior, Louis Vuitton or Chanel or watever. I'm not the daughter of the president or minister. I don't have a record deal. I'm definitely
not socialite.
Tapi buat sebagian besar orang Jakarta, yg hidup dalam kemiskinan... Yea... I do live a glamorous life.
Kmana2 pake mobil. Tinggal di apartemen. Sementara ada yg tinggal di grobak! Sekolah di sekolah nasional plus yg biayanya sampe puluhan juta setaun. sementara ada banyak orang yg ga bisa bayar SPP bulanan yg jumlahnya mungkin sama uang jajan gw sebulan ato bahkan kurang.
However, gw sering lupakalo gw seberuntung itu.. I still want MORE. gw pengen CD baru, HP baru, pergi ke luar negri, SEKOLAH di luar negri... masih banyak deh list nya...
Sooo, yea... I may not be the cherry on top of the society. but i'm the whipped cream below the cherry. =9
tat's all folks.
have a good good life.
and always look on the bright side.
luv ya'll.